Chapter- 8 confrontation

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Karthikeya's POV

"Barging into someone's office without knocking is not manners, Mr. Roy," she said without lifting her head.

"Mr. Roy?" This is the first time she called me like that.

"Megha or Sehari?" This is the first thing I asked her.

"Megha Sehari," she replied with a smirk.

Smirk, that too, a savage one. Usually, she gives me a bright smile whenever she sees me but now she is smirking.

"You said you are working at Sehari group?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I am working in the Sehari group, isn't it obvious?", she chuckled.

"Don't act smart. I thought you were working as an employee here."

"Yeah, I am working here as a CEO to fill my little tummy," she grinned.

"So, you are not an employee but an employer," I scoffed.

She is about to say something but before that someone knocked on the door and there entered Saakshi, her assistant.
"Miss. Sehari, it's time to go for a meeting regarding the tourism project," she informed.

"Yeah, I am coming," Megha replied and glanced at me.
"I think you also have this meeting," she raised her eyebrow.

"We have to go. Will talk in the evening," she said and left with Saakshi, leaving me there dumbfounded.

I never in my wildest dream thought that Megha is Sehari. But why did she hide it from me?

"Bhushan, I need all her details by tomorrow," I ordered Bhushan once I got out, and he nodded firmly.

"What happened, Sid? Why is she Sehari?" Arjun asked, as he followed me to the elevator.

"I don't know," I said irritatingly.

"Didn't you ask her when you went to meet her at her office?" Arjun asked again.

"Yeah, but she said we will discuss this evening and left for the meeting".

When I enter the meeting room, Megha is already there, talking with Aadhya. I went straight to Megha and sat beside her, and soon the meeting started.

"So that's all from my side," Millet, who is giving the presentation, said.

"Sorry I am not interested in this project anymore," Megha said, gaining all the attention from the people who attended the meeting.

I was also going to say the same as I didn't like his selection of the place, but now I want to hear her reason for saying no, so I sat silently waiting for her to speak.

"I don't think that is the place to build a resort," she said.

"What's wrong, Miss. Sehari?" Millet questioned.

"People come to the resort to relax, but if you select a place in the middle of the city, then how can one relax with the sounds of traffic? If you want to build a resort, then you have to select a place carefully with a beautiful view and zero disturbances," she stated.

Wow, I raised my eyebrow in amusement, that's what I exactly thought.

"But the place is wide," he commented.

"If the place is wide, then go and build a shopping mall. It can give you profits, but if you are going to build a resort there, you can't even make a single cent profit," she said professionally.

"Don't you like the plan?" he asked.

"Actually, I quite liked the plan and theme, but not the place," she remarked.

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