Chapter- 54 Trust

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Karthik pov

All our family went to shopping while I am attending a meeting. I wanted to accompany Megha for shopping but this meeting is very important so she told me to attend and she was ok to go with them.

I completed the meeting early and taken bath to get ready and go to the shopping mall for my wife.

I came out from the bathroom wrapping a towel around my waist and rubbing my hair with another towel but I halted in my place upon seeing the woman on my bed.

"Mansi, what are you doing here?", I roared.

"Can't I come", she replied.

"You know better", I countered.

"Why Sid? why you can't see love in me? Why you married her?" She questioned with glossy eyes.

"Shut up and get out Mansi", I growled madly.

"Is she that beautiful.. She is just a slut who got success by selling her body", Mansi commented and I raised my hand to slap her but I restrained myself somehow as true men won't hit woman, that's what my mom taught me.

"Don't talk shit about my wife and just get lost from here", I shouted.

"Sid, I really love you Sid.. please give me a chance", she pleaded.

"Mansi, can't you see I am married and I have my wife", I tried to explain.

"But you don't marry her on your will", she remarked.

"But I love my wife and I hate you. Get out", I roared.

"Am I not beautiful", she mumbled.

"Even if you are beautiful I don't even glance at you", I countered.

"Look Sid I am beautiful than her", she said and slipped down her dress shamelessly, standing there in her innerwares.

I quickly turned my head away. "Put your dress on and get out from here Mansi Or else you will see my wrath", I hissed.

"Why can't you find me beautiful Sid", she said and hugged me.

"Leave me Mansi", I roared and tried to remove her hands from me and at the same time my room door opened.

There stood Megha with painful expression and tears rolling on her eyes. Anjali di and Nidhi also there with her. They both also equally stunned as Megha.

"Megha", I mumbled.
She just walked out without even questioning me and that made me worry more.

"Fuck off", I roared and threw her away from me then I wore my clothes hurriedly and head downstairs.

All our family stood there looking madly at me.

"So this is why you didn't came to the shopping with us", Anjali di questioned with glossy eyes.

"It's not true", I stated.

"We saw with our own eyes Sid", Anjali di shouted with teary eyes.

"Don't shout Anjali it's not good for your health", maa said holding her arms.

"How can I not maa when he have done that.. I can't even find words to tell that", Anjali di replied.

"What you saw is not the whole truth", I stated again.

"Please Don't try to defend yourself we saw it", it's Nidhi who hissed.

It was not true but no one is ready believe me. What can I do now? My heart is thumping with fear.

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