Chapter- 12 sufferings

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Karthikeya's POV

Just like I told her, I completed talking in a few minutes and returned to the dining table, but the scene I saw when I returned made me mad.

Megha is eating silently while my aunt and her daughter are mocking and criticizing her.

She could have replied to them the way she replied boldly and savagely to John the other day at the office, but she kept silent like a weak woman... I can't tolerate this. I want her to always stand up for herself.

I know she is strong, but why is she resisting their bullying?

"Aunt, just stop this nonsense. She is my wife and you have to respect her," I said sternly as I reached them.

Her head snapped towards me as she heard my voice, and her eyes widened with shock. I think she didn't expect me here, but whenever my wife needs me, I will be there.
Wow, is it me who is saying my wife again and again? I don't like her right, then why am I defending her? Whatever, I need to solve this issue first.

"It's not like that Sid," she tried to explain but I cut her off saying, "I heard everything, aunt, so please, will you go from here?"

She scoffed and left.

She was not like this before. She started acting weird from the day I got married.

I saw Megha, who was looking at me in surprise. I sat beside her and asked her to eat.

"You could have defended yourself with your sarcastic remarks you usually use," I said, pouring water in the glass for her.

"I don't want to ruin your relationships, Karthik."

"I am an outsider, and I am here as your wife. If I say something which offends her, then your relationship with her will ruin and I don't want to become the reason for your conflicts," she replied slowly.

"For me, a big family is a dream, but you have the family, then why ruin it with this ego?"

I can sense her loneliness in her voice and eyes. This shows how much she craved for a family. That asshole called her father is responsible for her sufferings.

"Then you could have left the table when they were bullying you."

"I can't do that," she stated.


"Because I know the value of food and I respect food. So many people are dying of hunger and here you people are wasting food. You don't know how it feels to sleep with a hungry stomach. You don't know how people are working hard just to feed their children. You were born with a silver spoon, so you don't really know how hunger feels."

"You know how hard I worked just to earn some bread. Sometimes I have to choose between food and books when I only have a small amount. I chose books over food which made me what I am today. There were many days in my university when I lied to my mom that I had my dinner while sleeping with an empty stomach."

"I can't disrespect the food..."

I don't have words to describe my feelings after hearing her.
I just held her hand and squeezed it lightly. I felt her tears in my hand and that's the first time I am witnessing her tears. Her bright eyes were full of tears. My heart ached looking at her like this. I wiped her tears and signaled her to eat.

"My mom taught me to never ever leave the table when we are in the middle of eating," she said.
Her mom raised her very well. She is a diamond which I was unable to recognize before.

I smiled and tightened my hold on her hand...

I changed into my nightclothes and came back to see my wife lying down on the bed uncomfortably. I think she is uncomfortable because of the saree as she only wears loose clothes while sleeping.

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