Chapter-43 Upset

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Author's POV

"Karthik," she called, trying to get off from his lap.

"Hmm," he hummed, nuzzling into her neck, holding her tight in her position.

"Karthik," she stuttered when he bit her neck like it was his favorite candy.

"Karthik, wait, I have something to say," she said and came out of his hold.
He let go of her and concentrated on her face, waiting for her to speak.

"I am going to Italy for a business meeting," she stated.

His face fell, but he covered it and asked her, "when?"

"Tomorrow," she replied, observing his expression.

Last time when he told her about his business trip at the last moment, she felt upset but now she is doing the same and that made her more guilty and mad at herself.

"When was it scheduled?" He asked dangerously low as his eyes looked at her madly.

"Actually, it's–" she stuttered.

"Tell me, Megha," he growled, and she flinched at his hard voice.

"One week ago," she replied immediately.

"And you know you are going to Italy one week before, but you are telling me now," he yelped.

He is mad, more upset. He only recently realized his feelings for her and he planned to confess in the next two days, but now she poured cold water on all his plans.

"Karthik!" she called out helplessly.

"Don't talk, Megha," he roared and walked to the floor to ceiling window, madly.

She shivered by his roar and she knew she was the reason for his anger, but deep down she felt happy as he was mad because she was going away from him. He is mad at her for her.

Without saying anything, she hugged him from behind, keeping her head on his back.

"I am sorry," she mumbled, tightening her hold around his waist.

His anger faded away just like that as soon as she hugged him.

"I can't be angry with you even for five minutes," he sighed and turned around, hugging her to his chest and she smiled in victory.

"You are like a drug, babygirl, and I am addicted to you badly," he said and a bright smile broke her lips.

They chatted for a while, and he helped her in packing.

"Who is coming with you?" He asked suddenly.

"No one," she replied lightly.

"What? Mr. Williams is not coming with you?" he asked in displeasure.

"No, actually he has to look after M group as I am the CEO of that company too, and Sakshi is busy looking after Sehari group so I am going alone and it's only for two days and don't worry I traveled alone many times," she replied.

"Neeraj is going to accompany you," he stated, after a small pause.

"What? But I only booked a ticket for myself. Then how can---" he cut her off and said, "he will accompany you and that's final. I will take care of everything."

"But... Ok," she sighed, looking at his expression as he looked like an angry bird who was ready to pounce on her if she disagreed.

She packed her belongings in a small suitcase as she was going only for two days.

He was still sulking, so giving up on the idea of talking to him, she laid down on the bed to sleep.

"Megha, I am sorry," he said softly, while taking her into his arms.

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