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QUICK REMINDER- This is a re-worked version of the original story. Some characters have been renamed and some chapters have been changed/moved around--so most of the comments on each part do not correlate or may contain spoilers, so read at your own digression.

Thanks for the support, enjoy the story.


The new house wasn't a problem, I'm not even mad that it was smaller than our previous one. The problem was leaving one big city for another. The drive from California to New York was long and uneventful. Sure we stopped along the way at attractions, you know the typical cheesy photo that our parents make us take. There's nothing like seeing the grand canyon in person or visiting the meteor crater in Winslow, even visiting the world's largest Catsup bottle in Illinois had some spunk. The best by far though was driving through time square. Granted the traffic and people crossing only a few feet away from moving cars wasn't fun, but the place itself is iconic. The amount of stores and the amount of tourists shopping at those stores is insane. I've seen more 'I love NYC' shirts in the span of one short block than I've seen on any racks in any stores.

"You've always said you wanted to visit New York," Mom spoke from the front seat staring out at the giant screens.

"Visit Mami, not move." I sat back in my seat and watched the red light waiting for it to change. I wasn't sure about the move at first. It's definitely a big change but I don't hate my parents for bringing me here. In a Latino household, I can't afford to even come off as slightly rude or annoyed. I like my life and I rather not have my mom rip it away from me.

Once we got out of Time Square we made our way into Queens driving over bridges. I can't even name it if I tried. It wasn't long until we reached the house. It surely was a lot smaller than our old one but we're in a small suburban area in queens; borderline Long Island.

The first thing I did was rush upstairs to see my new room. I opened multiple doors searching for the one. The first was the master bedroom and the other was the upstairs bathroom, I opened another door seeing a closet, I smirked, for obvious gay reasons. The two doors that were left were most definitely rooms. I opened them both and examined them thoroughly for the largest one. The other would definitely be a guest room and It didn't take long for me to come to a conclusion when I walked into the larger white room. The polished wooden floors creaked under my feet as I walked to the windows. I looked down on my parents who were unloading the van along with help from the movers.

"Kendall! At least help with the boxes!" I watched as my dad yelled up towards the window. I know what you're thinking---Kendall isn't a traditional Latinx name. From what I'm told they wanted me to be named Mateo but changed their minds at the last minute due to their fear I wouldn't thrive in this country with a very Latinx-sounding name. You know, jobs or schools second-guessing my application due to whatever fear or just plain racism and stereotypes they believe are real. I'm glad Mateo is my middle name but I do wish it was my first. I love my culture, and I love my middle name. I guess I'm a lot tougher than they thought I'd be.

None of us were sure what life was going to be like, not in New York. Of course, we all heard stories about New York, how rude people can be, how big the city can feel, and how much larger the subway rats were. I was glad we got a house in Queens. It was a pretty quiet neighborhood, the only thing that could be heard were dogs barking and passing cars. It wasn't anything grand but it was perfect for late-night walks or just studying.

"Kendall!" I heard a call from downstairs "Come help!" I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the front door taking a box from my dad's hands. "That goes in the kitchen" He pointed down the hall.

I made my way over to the open kitchen. It wasn't half bad; after all, it could've been worse. You could see the kitchen was recently renovated and the doors lead out to the backyard patio. I placed the box down and walked back to the door. "I'll take it up, Papi." I reached out expecting him to hand it to me.

"No," Dad said, pulling the box back into his chest. "I mean it's okay, this is just family documents like pictures and exciting paperwork for the house" I shook it off--after all the box did have 'Pictures' written on it in bold black marker. "I'll take this up into the attic later, enano," Dad said, placing the box down.

Mom walked up holding a box and directed the movers to the living room. I watched as they placed the sofa and coffee table down. I kept my eyes on one of the young movers. He had strong arms and a big chest, and a pretty cute belly. I couldn't help it, his beard was just as beautiful as he was.

My mom walked over to me and crossed her arms as the movers brought in more boxes. I kept watch for—once again—obvious gay reasons. "You know school starts tomorrow" she nudged me "Are you okay with going?"

"I kinda have too, don't you think?"

"True" she rubbed her fingers through my hair and fixed the little strands sticking out. "If you're tired from traveling you could just stay home. I'll let it slide this one time" She waved her finger. "This one time"

"I'd rather just go on the first day, to meet my teachers, and collect whatever I need to."

"Alright." she kissed my forehead "Now let's get going, the truck isn't going to unload itself" She gently took me by the shoulders and led me out the door to the truck. "Plus how are you gonna see the hot mover from here?" She giggled in my ear.

I'M HIS | BOOK 1 | BOYXBOYWhere stories live. Discover now