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"WELL," DOM SAID as they slowly walked away from the perimeter of the palace, "that was boring."

Rhys shot him a glare. "That was interesting. So many little details to think about for the days that follow, you know."

He said, "Really?"

Rhys paused, contemplating her answer. Finally she replied honestly, "No. Not really. That was insanely awkward and I don't understand why we had to be there. We had nothing to do with most of the things they were discussing."

"We just stood there as the Arecians stared and gawked," Dom said, amused. "Felt like a statue."

"Well," Rhys drawled, "at least we can not add relating to the feelings of stone statues to our very large and lengthy resume."

"What job could we get with it?"

"Circus clowns, maybe," Rhys said, face straight.

"No," Dom frowned and shook his head. "That doesn't work. What kind of circus clown needs to know how to kill and apprehend people in so many ways?"

"Murderous ones."

Dom raised a brow. "You're sassing me. Stop it. If you want me to shut up, just tell me to. Though I'd kindly request an explanation on why you want me to do that, just because."

"I want some peace and quiet, Dom," Rhys sighed, "you know, time to think and gather my own thoughts and all the things you never have to do. This is just the start of a long, long few weeks, Dom. I want to enjoy what little time alone I have without the sound of people nagging besides me."

"Didn't realise you were a loner, Rhys."

"I'm not." She was a Wolf in a pack. Always had been, she strived best in situations when she had a team with her. "But even the most social people need some time by themselves once in a while. I can't spare that, so please. Shut up for this entire walk back to the headquarters."

Surprisingly, he obeyed, probably because this was the first time she'd given such a lengthy explanation for such a simple command. Usually she told him to shut up and left it at that, refusing to give him any more words than necessary when they were in this kind of conversation. Maybe it made her need for some silence more urgent.

Well, at least he'd stopped jabbering off about hopeless, useless things.

They made their way down the red corridors and stone-paved grounds, steps making a clicking sound as they did so. They wore ceremonial shoes. Loud shoes. Shoes they'd never be caught dead in on any other day, because it truly was just impossible to stalk anyone when you made this much sound.

Spring in the Scarlet Palace was the most comfortable season of all. It could still get a bit hot at times, but compared to the boiling heat of summer—which was, in Rhys' opinion, the season Dom used his powers the most in—it was heaven. There was a soft breeze that blew against her skin, keeping her cool. It was the perfect sort of end she'd wanted, in a way. Surrounded by the butterflies and flowers of the season, nature in full bloom, the air crackling with celebratory spirit and cheer.


It took her a moment to realise she was taking the wrong turn. She swore loudly and turned to the correct path, with perhaps a bit more intensity than necessary. Dom was eyeing her, one brow raised, something brewing in his gaze. Well, that was one way to raise his suspicions again.

He accused, "You said you'd fix your problem and that it wouldn't affect anything."

Rhys pursed her lips. "Perhaps I underestimated the difficulty."

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