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NAJUN WAS TALKING to some young lord. The qinglou girls would be looked down upon among this group, but no one would dare show it on their face. After all, all the girls invited here tonight were qing guan ren, those who only sold their talents. They were more performers than anything else at all.

  Rhys tore her gaze away. She wondered how Ronan would react if he was here.

  But that wasn't what she needed to focus on tonight. She didn't make any motion that would give away the powder in her pocket. She could not give it away, this was her one chance. This was her one shot. Everything had to go flawlessly, not a single step out of line. Diego Contreras must die, and she'll be the one to deliver the finishing blow. She'd ensure it.

  She flexed her fingers before sipping her drink. It was peach juice, the best kind and it tasted delicious.

  Dom wasn't with her. She'd escaped from his grasp a little while ago and she hadn't seen him since, which was good because that meant he couldn't interfere.

  Her eyes travelled to the makeshift stage. Rong'en was sitting there, fingers gliding over her pipa strings, the sound ricocheting through the air clear even through the chaos of the courtyard. A small smile danced on Rhys' face.

  All was well, all was well. She kept one eye locked on the Meliquean procession, though, just in case. She needed to make sure she knew where Diego Contreras was at all times, but not make it seem too obvious. She wasn't scared of letting anyone else notice it—it was fully expected, and probably would be commented upon well that the Saians were keeping note of the Meliqueans. But if Diego noticed, if it captured Diego's attention, well, fuck. Because just because he hadn't sought her out purposefully in the past day meant nothing. She'd been making sure she was never alone and stayed as far away as possible from him. Besides, after the accident yesterday, he'd be busy.

  If he'd gotten any backlash for the move he pulled yesterday though, he didn't show it on his face. Which also meant nothing, because he was one of the best actors Rhys had met in her life. All the usual things Rhys used to read people were pointless with him.

  All these years and she was still reduced to the same inexperienced little girl when beside him. Funny, because he was barely a few months older than her, yet he seemed dozens older.

  Compared to someone like Dominic, who let all his emotions and feelings on his face... They were on completely different levels. They were two completely different people, which was something she'd always found ironic. How she'd gotten so close to two men who were so completely difficult, yet they both inspired the same kind of feeling from her. They gave her the same safety. The same comfort and care. The same love. 

  But Dominic was not tonight's focus. Actually, he was at the top of the list of things she had to give up tonight. Hopefully by tomorrow he'd hate her. It would, perhaps, lessen the pain of betrayal. Hopefully. She didn't want to hurt him any more than necessary.

  She took another sip out of her cup. Asteria was with Myrina, and they were both keeping an eye on Irina, who chatted with Prince Stephen rather amicably. Sai would be okay. She was leaving her country in capable hands, and she'd done her part. She had to face to see her  parents and her ancestors, people whose blood had been spilt for this empire. She could proudly join their ranks. If they all felt particularly brave, maybe she'd be allowed to have a plaque in her family's ling tang. Though she'd already checked before. Rosalind Yang Guiheng had a plaque there, presumed dead along the rest of her family in that fatal bombing in Anrim all those years ago. No one ever visited the small temple anymore. She didn't dare go more than once a year to prevent suspicion.

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