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  JUSTINE WAS THE first person to speak after the Emperor and Empress, Duke of Shui Xiang, Lady Kuroki all left the room. "Well," she murmured, "that's a lot to take in within a moment."

  Irina shot her a glance. Justine shook her head. "I'm impressed, honestly," the general muttered, "that you managed to keep this away from us for so long."

  Rhys raised a wry brow. "I am capable of keeping secrets, you know."

  Irina stood. "Could have fooled me. Bloody hell. Today's supposed to be a day of celebration, and you throw this bullshit in my face."

  Ryan scolded, "Language."

  Irina shook her head. "Let's not care about that right now. You're Falcon," she pointed to Rhys, "and so are you," she turned to Ronan, "and you," back to Rhys, "just tried to assassinate Diego Contreras and failed, so you ran, and he caught up. You fought him again and knocked him unconscious, while the rest of you all just watched. And he might be returning any second now." Furious eyes scanned the room. "Did I miss anything?"

  Ryan raised a hand. "You do put us in quite an... unique position, I must say. We'll need to somehow keep up pleasantries and the surface appearance of everyone getting along while dealing with this evolving situation."

  "I did not think," Zhang daren murmured, "that I was qualified to make decisions on this subject alone."

  "We're running out of time," Rhys reminded.

  Dom said, "Best to get Rhys and Ronan out of the Palace before sunrise. I'll go with them, as with Ka Zhinan. Can just say we went on an important mission in the middle of the night. It'll add to our mystery."

  "Sometimes," Irina said curtly, "I think the Iron Wolves are surrounded by too much bloody mystery."

  Cassalyn Diao, who'd remained mostly silent throughout the meeting, said, "We must come up with a plan quickly rather than fighting among ourselves. No offence, Your Highness, Zhang daren, but keeping them out of the Palace isn't an eternal solution."

  The younger sable sister, Cirinique, said, "I don't suppose we can just kill Diego Contreras and call it a day."

  "I wish we could, my lady," Zhang daren said. Ciri also just so happened to be the Viscountess Archsham. Cass was the Countess of Farnsworth, the future Marchioness of Rochesdale.

  Cass shut her eyes. "The war cannot be restarted at all cost. Not right now. We are not in the position to continue the war any further. The human cost, the economical impact... too severe. This matter must be dealt with quietly, with as little people involved as humanly possible."

  Asteria said, "Might we discuss this situation privately with Anthony Contreras, without his son's interference? He isn't that powerful, is he?"

  "Shouldn't be," Rhys confirmed, "but he doesn't go by the rules. We have prove that he's more than willing to go against his father's wishes if necessary. He'll force his way into this matter either way."

  "Well, that is worrying." Asteria dipped her head, pensive.

  Danna said, "Since we've just uncovered three tonight, any other Meliquean agents running around here among us who'd like to reveal themselves?"

  No one said anything. Danna sighed. "Well, props to me for trying. I cannot believe I got dragged out of bed at three in the morning for this. Truly depressing. I'd just managed to properly fall asleep."

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