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  IT WAS EXHILARATING, being fancied by someone.

  Sent a rush of adrenaline running through her veins, honestly, keeping her giddy even when she returned, even hours after the discovery. She'd caught herself staring into the mirror for a few separate occasions since she'd returned, just smiling like an idiot. She'd quickly stopped herself, of course, but still.

  But before she could think about how to proceed with... that, she had to make sure, absolutely make sure, that everything was going to be alright. That she wasn't going to be getting dragged off to Melique. Unlikely, but there was always the chance, and she didn't want to risk that.

  So when Zhang daren finally returned after three hours, Rhys was waiting in the foyer of the mansion, her anticipation clear. Zhang daren said, "Anthony Contreras agrees with our plan. He's quite displeased with his son, you see, and his reckless behaviour."

  "As he should be," Rhys nodded. She ignored Dom's stare boring into her cheeks, or the confused state of Ronan at the clear tension. Rhys would deal with that later, Dom would just need to be a bit patient.

  It was probably grinding his gears, her ignoring him. But he deserved a bit of it. No, he really didn't. He'd done nothing but take care of her for the past day or so. She ought to be nicer to him, but she wasn't going to be. She was that kind of person.

  "We are, of course," Zhang daren continued, oblivious to all around him or just not caring, "very apologetic for the bodily harm and injuries on the three Falcons, but it was in self-defence. And since they were acting outside of Meliquean orders, we will pursue no further justice as long as they agree that those three can never step on Saian soil ever again and shall leave our country as soon as possible."

  Rhys smiled now. "That sounds wonderful."

  "Doesn't it?" Zhang daren agreed, tilting his head. "You're free now, Briar. You can stop running. If you wish to reclaim the name of Rosalind Yang, by all means go ahead. Some of your slightly more distant relatives are still around. A few of them are good people who'd probably be willing to take you in and give you a good position."

  "I haven't been Rosalind for a long time," Rhys said, shutting her eyes. "I'd love to meet my relatives, but Rhysa Jiang is the name I chose for myself. It's the name I'd like to stick with."

  "And your position within the Iron Wolves? I know you joined us for safety and that only."

  "I want to stay," Rhys confirmed. "This is my home. My haven. I'm not leaving."

  Dom let out a quiet breath. She wasn't sure why, really, she'd already told him she was here to stay. Men were such strange creatures sometimes.

  "Excellent," Zhang daren smiled. "I think Princess Irina has some things to say to you and Ronan. I'd suggest you both comply with her quickly and not leave her waiting. Just a gentle reminder."

  Rhys' eyes snapped to Ronan. They both nodded. "Yeah, uh, let's go for that, then."

  Then both left the house then, after getting Irina's location from the daren. The first thing that exited his mouth was, "What the fuck is going on between you and Dom? He's staring at you like a fucking..."


  "Yes." Ronan narrowed his eyes. "Something happened that you're not telling me?"

  Rhys tugged at her ponytail. "What makes you think I'll tell you?"

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