9: akashi's secret

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Kise: Akashicchi and y/n-cchi dated.

Murasakibara: What? When?

Kise: When they were younger.

Murasakibara: How did they break up?

Aomine: His family forced him. But guess what the best part is! He still loves her!

Momoi: OO you finally found out?

Kise: What? Momoicchi!

Momoi: What?

Aomine: You already know?

Momoi: Yeah y/n-chan told me ages ago.

Aomine: So she knows he still loves her?

Momoi: Oh I don't know about that. I knew that because it was obvious to me but she becomes quite oblivious when it comes to love.

Akashi: What's all of the commotion?

Momoi: Just talking about when you dated y/n-chan.

Akashi: You guys told!? I will never forgive you for this!

Momoi: Akashi-kun. I already knew!

Akashi: What? How?

Momoi: Well y/n-chan told me you dated and I realised that you still loved her.

Akashi: I do not. Wait. Does she know?

Momoi: Not as far as I'm aware. And it looks like she won't be finding out anytime soon anyway, so don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.

Akashi: Yeah, that's what these guys said only 10 minutes ago.

Momoi: Yeah but I have known for way longer than 10 minutes and haven't told a soul.

Akashi: Wait, HOW LONG!

Y/n walks over to the loud group, along with Midorima and Kuroko.

Y/n: Okay, I've had the chocolate. What are you guys bickering about? It's giving me a headache.

Akashi: Oh nothing-

Momoi quickly and cleverly changes the subject.

Momoi: We were talking about that time Dai-chan challenged you, all cocky-like and suffered a great defeat, right guys?

Kise: Yeah, you were so dumb Aominecchi!

Aomine: Hey! What! Why were we talking about that?

y/n: Yeah that was funny. Well let's talk about something other than basketball, shall we?

Akashi: Gladly.

Momoi: I think it's quite late now, a lot has happened and I think we all just need to go home to rest. We can't train in these conditions.

Kise: Can I crash at someone's?

Kagami: Why?

Kise: I live quite far from here, it would take me ages to get home and it's quite late.

Kagami: Oh alright, well my house is quite close, you can crash at mine.

Y/n: Taiga?

Kagami: yeah?

y/n: none of us live close enough to here, so...

Kagami: All of you?

y/n: yeah.

Kagami: Uh, sure, I think I have enough room, would you be able to share a bed with Midorima?

y/n: Yeah that's fine, thanks!

Kise: Wait, you guys share a bed?

y/n: Not usually, no.

Kise: So when do you?

y/n: I dunno, stop asking weird questions. Get your own girlfriend and you'll find out.

Kise: I would but I can't find the right one.

Momoi: Who's the right one?

Kise: Oh you know, a shy girl who doesn't just like me for my looks but for who I am.

y/n: sorry but who exactly are you?

Everyone laughs and follows Kagami to his house.

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