15: a wake up call

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    It's now early morning, 4:30 am to be precise.

y/n: Get up Shin-chan, we need to start now.

Midorima: Why 4:30, we usually start at 5:30?

y/n: yeah but I need to talk to everyone and we need to eat and get ready and I already know that will take an hour to do so-

Midorima: You're stressing yourself out too early y/n, calm down, I'll help you make breakfast and wake everyone up,okay, nanodayo.

y/n: thanks Shin-chan.

Midorima: no problem, nanodayo.   

Midorima gets up without complaints and changes himself as does y/n. She gives him a small kiss before leaving to wake the others up. Midorima follows her out to do the same.

Y/n: Aomine.

Aomine: hmmmmmm.

y/n: get up.

Aomine: itss 4;30 innn thhee mornnning, let me sleeeep.

y/n: I swear to god, if you don't get up now-

Aomine: here, you can sleep too.    He says, still half asleep and pulling her towards his bed.

y/n: Aomine, I'm not going to sleep with you, GET UP!

Aomine jumps as she shouts and gets up immediately and lets go of her hand and stares at his hand in disgust.

Aomine: eww, why were you holding my hand?

y/n: You held my hand? Ugh, just get ready please.

Aomine: but it's-

y/n: I know very well what the time is Aomine and I don't care.

She leaves and goes to the next room : Akashi. She notices that Midormia has successfully woken both Kise and Kuroko in the same amount of time.

y/n: you got the easier ones, no fair.

Midorima: not my fault you chose to wake Aomine first, nanodayo.

Kise: What do you mean 'the easier ones'?

    y/n ignores him and enters Akashi's room.

y/n: Sei, wake up.

Akashi: What time is it?

y/n: 10 am.

Akashi: OMG WHAT? Why didn't anyone wake me earlier?

y/n: I tried.

Akashi was out of bed and was frantically trying to get ready. As he does he glances at the clock on the wall and stops.

Akashi: Really y/n? It's 4:30 in the morning.

y/n: yeah but you're up now.

Akashi: I still would have gotten up even if you had said 4:30.

y/n: yeah but i'm in a rush so-

Akashi: I'll punish you for this.

y/n: Don't say it like that Sei, it sounds really wrong.

Akashi: What do you mean?

y/n: I'm going to wake Atsushi up now.

    She leaves and heads to the next room, Midorima with both Momoi and Riko awake.

y/n: how the heck did you wake them up faster? I literally chose Sei this time.

Midorima: I have my ways.

y/n: What do you mean by that? What do you do to them? Huh? Tell me shintaro.

Midorima: can't hear you. He says, smirking as he walks into the next room.

y/n: ugh. She says entering Murasakibara's room. This is gonna be hard.

y/n: Breakfast is ready!

    Almost immediately, one eye opens as he hears her call for breakfast.

Murasakibara: What did you make?

y/n: come and see.

Murasakibara: I can't smell anything, you better not be lying y/n-chin.

y/n: Ok you got me, I need help with breakfast , and you're the only one that can help me. Please?

Murasakibara: You need help, huh?

y/n: yeah, with breakfast.

Murasakibara: So why did you say it was ready?

y/n: so that you would get up faster and help me.

Murasakibara: you shouldn't lie y/n-chin, it makes me angry.

He gets up lazily but doesn't change out of his clothes, instead he goes straight to the kitchen. By the time she follows him, Midorima has already woken Kagami and Alex up.

y/n: I hate you, shintaro.

Midorima: What? I just helped you, nanodayo.

y/n: whatever.

Midorima: Oh come on, you wanted me to wake them up quickly didn't you? So stop complaining.

y/n: yeah, yeah okay.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter again-

Kuroko: A/N, all the chapters are short though.

A/N; oop...

Kise: kurokocchi don't be mean to author-chi.

Kuroko: I'm not though..it's just the truth.

Y/n: tetsuuuu I got another workout for youuu!!

Kuroko: I just remembered I gotta go now-

A/N: thank you y/n

Y/n: no problem author-chan 💞

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