8. I will do what I like

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They prevent me from doing everything I want
They find fault in everything I like doing
They pass their snide comments with a taunt
And participate in all of the booing
I like reading, they snatch my books
I like drawing, the same fate is met with sketchbooks
I like writing they break my quill
If I dare to oppose, they break my will
They always want me to do what they like
And don't care about my ambitions
They force me into doing what I dislike
And I always need their permissions
Is it okay if I breathe without asking?
Or is this also a crime?
I can't be multitasking
And they should understand this by time
Or I might lose my sanity or attack or even kill
Or I might even throw all of them down a hill
I want to be free for a change
And do what I actually want to
I want to be out of your range
And do things I want to pursue
You can't control me from now
I don't care whether you allow
I will do what I like and I dare you to stop me
You won't be able to do anything now and that's my guarantee


Hey there my dear poem lovers! I am back with another poem to keep you up to date this Saturday. I hope you guys liked this poem too. If so, let me know by leaving a comment or pressing the star below.

I personally felt like this poem was really relatable for teenagers, at least it was relatable for me...as I wrote it. But anyways, I hope  you don't relate with it because it really sucks when you can't do what you want to. It's so suffocating at times that you lose control over yourself. This was the result of a similar frustration I had. Now, let's not get into the details about me. It's the poem you all are here for.

If you don't relate, Congrats! If you do relate, you aren't alone feeling that way. I always try to end my poem in a motivating way so that if you guys have similar problems, you can get motivation to fight with it.

Now, Vote, Comment and share this poem too because of the consistency I am showing with this poem collection. If you aren't a creator, believe me, It's hard to maintain it! But your votes(if any...) and Comments(once in a decade) really encourage me to maintain this consistency.

See you next Saturday!

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