3. I Am A Wise Liar

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I am a wise liar, you see
I only lie for someone's glee
And I promise that it's not me
I care for you, he and she
But again, never me
I lie when truth is too bitter
And my lies are bitterly sweet
Plus they shine like golden glitter
And the truth gets hidden, Job complete!
I lie for your own good
Just like everyone should
Don't understand? Someday you would
I will prefer truth anytime unless
It increases your stress
I do agree, to truth you should have access
But I can't see anyone depress
So, I chose to be the wise liar

Hey there guys! I am back again with yet another poem. This one is a bit short than my other poems but I still hope you like it.

I had written this poem for a contest 'Ode on Oxymoron' so I had to keep the length of my poem in mind.

Vote, Comment and Share the poems as usual.

See you soon!!!

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