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"Chiyo-chan?" I said seeing him standing in front of the store I was just walking out of. He was just standing there motionless looking at me. Second by second it was getting colder as it was already night. I shivered a bit because of it and a little sneeze could be heard. While sneezing I turned my head to the side so that I could sneeze in my arm. Turning back I was met by Haruchiyo's figure standing just a few centimetres from me. His face leaned forward that his nose was almost touching mine. To say the least my fuse broke and my face was as hot as the sun and I took a few steps back to make some distance between us. 

That was so unexpected. I didn't feel cold anymore at least but still this was so embarrassing, i really don't know how to say what i feel right now. "C-Chiyo-chan do you need anything?" Fuuuck Y/N why did you stutter? You are embarrassing yourself, get it together. 

He didn't answer anything but he took most of my bags from my hands. I had at least seven or eight of them, so now I was left with two bags, one in each hand. I looked at him very confused but I also felt happy? I really don't know what this is. It feels nice to see him help me and that he, could I say care for me? I was very deep in the thought that I didn't hear him call my name. I wasn't aware of my surroundings until he placed his hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. 

"Huh? Did you say anything?" I asked, all confused. He sighed before he spoke. "It's getting colder, you should get home fast." "O-oh yeah." I said and tried to get my bags from him as i was going to get home now. But he moved away. "I will walk you home and carry these." He said and how it looked he wouldn't take a no for an answer. 

"No, no, there is no need for that I can carry them myself." I protested either way. "I'm not taking no as an answer. This is the least I can do to repay you for helping me two times already." He reasoned and I gave up not seeing a way out of this situation. 

I'm not very smart I could say, the only thing I supposedly am good at is manipulating. Well that's what my brothers say along with my friends from the previous country that I lived in. I never thought that they were right because to me it doesn't seem like I'm capable of that. The only thing I can manipulate is not people but conversation. If I don't like the topic I will immediately find something related to it and something different from it at the same time and change the topic. 

Soon we were in front of my house. The whole walk was filled with comfortable silence. I didn't feel forced to talk to him to not make it awkward which is very nice. Looking at the time it displayed 11:35 pm. 'Damn already this late.' I thought. I looked at Chiyo-chan and opened my mouth to talk. "Thank you for walking me home and carrying these bags for me. Uhm..." I paused for a second not being sure if i should say the next sentence because I've never been in this situation. 

My anxiety started to kick in and the stupid overthinking. My breath slowed down and I felt as if i'm going to pass out any second from the lack of oxygen. It felt like someone was putting pressure on my chest and that it was going to crush my ribs. It seemed like he noticed my slow breathing and how I slowly started to turn pale like I was sick.

Haruchiyo's PoV

When we got to her house Y/N thanked me for walking her home and carrying the bags. But she seemed like she wanted to say something else but didn't. Soon enough her breathing looked like it slowed down and that she was fighting to get more oxygen to her lungs. Her face started to look pale as if she was sick. 

I went into a state of panic because of this. I put down the bags I was carrying and took the bags from her hands and did the same thing. Putting both of my hands on each of her shoulders I slowly made her sit down on the front door steps. 

"Y/N." I called her name to gain her attention as she was looking at her feet while muttering some incoherent words. After my seventh time calling her she looked at me. "I need you to take a deep breath." My hands were still on both of her shoulders in case she passed out. She listened to what I said as she took a deep breath and let out a shaky breath. I told her to repeat that a few times and after some time her breathing was back to normal. 

This put me at ease as she looked a lot better now. I wasn't going to push her and make her tell me what happened so I just sat next to her. After some minutes she finally talked. "Thank you." Is all she said in a low voice almost not being loud enough for me to hear it. "Why are you thanking me?" I was genuinely confused. All I did was help her calm down. "If it weren't for you I would probably pass out like always." She said, looking at him. She was hugging her knees and her head was on them. "Like always?" I asked her. 

Now i don't want to seem like i'm uninterested but i also didn't want to seem noisy and get in her life. I care for her so much that I can't let myself make a mistake that will distance her from me. "I will tell you but we should get inside, it's getting way colder." She said getting up, taking two bags in one hand and two in the other. I took the rest as she opened the door and walked in with me following behind. 

The house was in complete darkness before she turned on the lights in the kitchen. We went into the kitchen and placed the bags full of groceries on the counter. She started to unpack them and put them at their place while i was handing them to her. I could look at her for the whole night just doing this. She seems so focused on this small thing. Also she looked as if the incident from the front door never happened. This left me thinking how often does this happen if she recovered so fast from that. At least it seemed like that. Soon enough she was done with this task. 

"It's already past midnight." She said looking at the clock on the wall. Averting her gaze from the clock she looked at me now. "Sorry for this, you must be tired and want to sleep. Yet here you are helping me." She said with a guilty look on her face. I would lie if i said that this sight wasn't cute but the reason and emotion behind it was just unsettling. "It's no problem I willingly stayed." I answered, trying to reassure her and show that it was not a bother for me. "You can stay the night if you want. It's really late. We have a guest room where you can stay." This took me by surprise but I was glad that she was comfortable enough to let me stay at her house. "If I'm not a both-." "No, no you are not a bother. This is the least I can do as a thank you for helping me calm down." She cut me off. 

I smiled under my mask and nodded my head. Y/N led me to the guest room and took out some comforters and placed them on the bed. She also told me there was some clothes in the closet that I could use. Then she showed me where her room was. If I needed anything, that's where I would find her. 

Before going to bed she wrote a note to her brothers that someone is staying at the guest room for the night. 

Now I know she has brothers but I never saw them. This is the perfect chance to see who they are.  As Mikey said that they sound very familiar by theirs behaviour and other small things. 

"Good night Chiyo-chan." "Night Y/N." I said back to her and entered the room. I opened the closet and took some clothes and changed into them. Surprisingly they fit me quite well. I layed down on the bed thinking about Y/N and smiling at how cute she looks, before drifting off to sleep.


School is killing me both physically and mentally. 

Why do i have to get up so early and go to school in this heat in a fucking bus full of people and have to be in it for 25 to 35 minutes and 98% of the time standing.

Sorry for the rant but i just want to kill people because of it. The updates will be more frequent from the 20th or 24th(which is also my birthday) of June i hope. As the summer break starts then.

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