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We had arrived at Musashi shrine. Music playing from someone's phone and a ton of snacks on a portable table. Everyone was conversing with someone, laughing or just eating food together.

 They were having a great time not aware that they're being watched. They were being observed. Or better said -she- was being observed. A brown haired boy with black eyes was keeping an eye on Y/N not believing what he was seeing. His name is Owari and he was sent by Sora to see who this girl actually was. 

He was so in shock that he didn't notice he made a sound alerting some of the people. "Who is there?! Show yourself!" Rindo yelled, catching the attention of other people who were unaware. By now the music was turned off and everyone was quiet. "If you don't come out now there will be big consequences." Draken spoke. 

They could hear rustling of the leaves from a tree. And a figure jumping down from it revealing Owari. Looking at them all but stopping at Y/N. Still not believing that she was in front of him. Slowly he made his way towards them. But as he did so Baji went to attack him. Owari wasn't a good fighter that's why he stayed out of fights. He looked for a way to dodge or escape his attack but Baji was getting closer super fast.


"Who is there?! Show yourself!" I heard Rindo yell. I wasn't sure what was happening, same for Hina and Em. Soon Draken followed his actions. "If you don't come out now there will be big consequences." There was a sound of rustling coming from a tree and a figure jumped down. 

Not a second went by and Baji started to run at him to attack him. I could see the stress on the brown headed boy's face. And out of instinct my body moved. I really didn't know why I was moving, it was as if my body knew something my mind didn't. So with this instinct i ran in between Baji and the other guy blocking Bajis punch. Everyone, including me, was shocked to see me protecting him. 

When Baji took a step back I put my hands down and looked at them. I was so confused that words couldn't describe it. A hand grabbed my forearm and started to drag me away. Rindo was the one doing so but I stopped in my tracks when the guy said my name. "Y/N can we please talk?!" I heard him yell over everyone. As far as i know no one ever mentioned my name so how did he know? 

Looking at Rindo I pulled my hand back and walked over to the boy. "How do you know my name?" I asked him, crossing my arms. "Do you know who I am?" "Obviously I don't. Now ca-" I got cut off by him mid sentence. "Owari Ishikawa. Does that name ring any bells?" He asked me with a sad face. 

To be honest it didn't, it was a completely new name to me. But something isn't sitting right with me. Even though I didn't know his name, I protected him as if I knew him. Wrecking my brain to try and remember if I did actually meet him before my head started to hurt. And not in a figurative form, but literally. It started to hurt so much that everything started to blur out. "Why would that -" Not getting to finish my sentence, again, I fainted. And the last thing I heard was everyone yelling in panic.

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