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Love can be found in many forms and arguably it can be varied depending on the individual and the influence of their partner. For many, love will be the most painful, the most joyous and the happiest moment of their lives. However, some would say "if there is so much pain just for the slightest chance of love and happiness, why do it?"

Similar to gambling and many other things in life, love is a gamble. You gamble whether or not asking the girl of your dreams out is going to get you her or she's going to reject you leaving your heart stabbed like a knife through paper. Some fear rejection and rightly so, it can be very painful for both the heart and your mindset.

The heart is apparently where the love comes from and is the symbol of love. They say the love heart shape is two real human hearts put together hence its meaning. The heart can very well indeed be hurt by the very emotions you feel and the pain you feel from rejection or heartbreak... the heart feels your emotions and responds to them so a lot of people out of fear of being hurt again from the love tend to sway away from it, isolate themselves or just enjoy the single life with no strings attached which can be the safest and best path to take for some as that can be arguably the healthiest up until a point... because everyone would love to have someone by their side right? (Let me know what you think of this in the comments)

The mind is what controls everything and is your bank of thoughts. Meaning, that it will have the entire backlog of all the steps you've taken to obtain or be rejected by your chances of love. So, the moment you first lay your eyes or send a message to your crush will be logged, and that time you bump into her/him at a public place or school will be logged. That time you had to help her/him out with a problem they were having or when they needed someone to keep them company for the day, that is all logged and on the very final step when you are about to ask them out and the nerves kick in and you start to sweat immensely... what happens to your mind if that gets hurt?...

Let's say worst-case scenario you get hurt and rejected, like badly! okay so they're now walking away or you're both just standing there in awkward silence not knowing what to do next yikes... the mind when it gets hurt learns, the mind will learn from every bit of pain you experience. So, for example, if you as a kid for whatever reason decide to go near the fire and you burn yourself out of curiosity, what happens? You learn not to do it again.. hopefully... and it doesn't have to be just physical pain that we learn from nor get traumatised from. Being rejected and heartbroken can be harmful to your mind and heart with problems like, depression, anxiety (fear of being rejected or hurt again), isolation (which is very damaging for your health) and more so is love a physical force?

My take on love and please let me know what your opinion on love is and how you like to express it as id love to know. But, my take on it is that I see love as mainly a set of actions one does for another. So for example, a person who buys someone flowers is a sign of love or you make your partner a bath and cook dinner for them ready for when they get back home from work (that can be seen as love), going on a date and watching a movie before taking them to a fancy restaurant or maybe buying them a gift is a form of love. That's how I mainly see it, the feeling of seeing one's effort and the messages and actions that convey their love for you is comforting. There is a feeling too but it's more of a collection of the feelings so love is a combination for me of consequent feelings like if I 'feel' love I will be happy, joyous, excited or sometimes anxious and so on. And I want to make it clear all of this section doesn't necessarily apply just to just romantic relationships either as you can love your friends platonically too!

Author's note: One last part, as I know I've rambled on and need to stop before I keep going haha. If you do ever feel alone or unloved, unwanted. Just know that there will always be someone out there to love you, trust me I've been domestically abused, used, manipulated and cheated on yet right now there still is someone who loves me and adores me (if you're reading this then just know you mean the world to me) and you all will find it too. I will be offering a service for my readers where I will send daily messages to them which will boost their confidence, self-love, calm them from their anxiety and maybe even reassure them in many things that they're overthinking about and even help them with stress. You know, start your day right! So, if you're interested in this please don't be shy or hesitant to let me know you're interested and if you don't want to say in the comments then privately message me, I'm always able to respond immediately as long as the notifications work haha. I love you all and hope you all have an amazing life <3

"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell" – Joan Crawford

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