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Why do we need it? It's not necessarily a necessity to survival and to keep our bodies nourished and healthy but as civilisation has developed and societies has formed, "currency" has been a token and form of trading from one and another. This was found easier than simply trading items with one another of what they personally thought was of the same value.

Money was formed and so was the poor and the rich and whatever fell in between the two. This created the struggle of living comfortably that was no longer determined by who could make the best chair or house with skills and talents but rather who could afford the best and biggest house or at least afford to make one. Everything not only had their own personal value but now had an accustomed value that was in the translation of currency. The rich were thriving and full of the currency/money and were able to do anything they had wanted or dreamed of. Whereas, the poor struggled to even afford their own food to sustain themselves and maintain a well kept and consistent diet.

Money is supposed to be the key to happiness for some (receiving it and keeping it for their own satisfactions). Whereas, some people gain happiness for a different reason when it comes to money (gaining happiness from giving away money to those unfortunate people who aren't as fortunate and is given to them for their satisfactions instead of their own).

The truth is that money even though is a currency and is the token replacement for most trade in the world it still can't buy one thing... and that one thing is happiness...

A lot of rich celebrities have committed suicide however this is not to say that the richer you are the more likely you are to commit suicide as once thought by social scientists. It is found that actually the lower and middle levelled income earners are more likely to commit suicide and have much higher rates as the lower and middle income countries are found to be 75% of the global overall suicide rate and total contribution. Obviously these facts will change as facts can always change but with money it is all about be able to afford the necessities and luxuries that we find comforting and happy inducing which can be the joys of life.

One thing people have to remember is that you can have all the money in the world and yet once you are in that coffin or in the incinerator or donation then what money do you have? What value in currency do you have? Think about how you want to spend your life, do you want to keep the money all to yourself and to only spend it on you possibly being sad and depressed because of it or do you want to spend that money on yes yourself too as you are allowed to of course but also spending it on others who will share their happiness with you and even though you are giving you will still receive something that something is happiness and that is how money should work.

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