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Lying is like skipping a stone in a lake, causing ripples in that lake and disturbing the flow of water. That's exactly what lying is like you throw your lie at the person or persons and cause other problems and consequences from them. Disturbing the way of peace, this is just how problems in the world are made and is so common you would think it's a plague.

Everyone has the urge to lie and it's up to us to decide whether or not you want to be addicted to that urge and keep lying to people and worst of all yourself. Lying to people can be a cope mechanism for many things and emotions, a way to avoid conflict about sensitive subjects and then finding the truth. As I said in part 7 there's always a truth with a lie so whatever is being covered always eventually is revealed take my word for that. Same as the past it will always creep back up to you.

Lying is an impulsion that makes you want to do it again because you feel that's the only way to get by and live when really you're just digging your own grave and praying at your funeral. You have the power to not lie and give in to this "not-so possible cure" to all problems and you can just tell the truth. However sometimes lies are told to protect those who can't handle the truth or pain and will be better just hearing what they want to hear instead of the brutal, more realistic truth.

What I say about this? Don't lie unless you feel like it's for a good cause such as saving your friend from the pain or your life depends on it. And make sure that you always keep the truth close by and left as it will haunt you at the worst of times.

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