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Happiness can be obtained in many ways such as through speech, sight, taste, smell and hearing these senses are a reason for happiness as they can trigger certain memories tied to that object or food item or even music or could just trigger the right part in the brain to make you happy. Other reasons that can make you happy are because of people such as friends, family, pets and loved ones. These people and animals can have such a significant impact in your life that you'll be heart broken to have a mishap and be disbanded with them.

Happiness is a very strong emotion and can control how you act throughout the whole day and behave with people. This means maintaining happiness is a must and a main priority for maintaining the soul of your life.

What I say about this is that being happy is a reward, therefore do things that you know will reward you with happiness and do it with 110% and you won't regret it. Being happy allows you to achieve so much and help you with just making life durable and comfortable. Don't take it for granted and most certainly maintain it because once you lose happiness it's very hard to get back.

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