Chapter 1 | New Company

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"Fuck this company" Y/n cursed clenching his fist he want to slam the table in front of him out of anger.

he was receiving an email from the company about the schedule for the next few weeks. he saw he was going to record a song he don't know about. he was going to release a mini album in the next few months he already submitted his songs that he wrote on this own. but the song that got approved by the company is not his songs that he wrote instead it was written by another person

"Manager-nim why did all my songs get rejected again?" Y/n said still trying to control his anger while flipping the list the producer gave"you know why. the producer wants you to write a love song but you wrote songs about breakup" said his manager.

well, he know that his songs were not what the producer want but he wrote all his songs depending on what he is feeling at the moment, and lately, he has been down and frustrated about his life

the company that promises to promote him and publish his song turn out just want him to write another cliche song about beautiful love story so that the song makes it to the top 100 or breaks a new record

and the fact that certain person he wants to forget for the past 5 years keeps popping up on tv and billboard added to his frustration.

"I don't want the company to dictate what song I write! can you look for another company that would sign with me? my contract here is going to end soon anyway," Y/n said closing the recording room door he was in while ago

"But there is no company that wants you" the manager jokes while laughing over the phone

"YAA, I'm gaining popularity these days many companies want me" Y/n huffed

its true Y/n is gaining popularity with the last album he release was a success. Y/n is still new to this world he lives in right now, he began his career 3 years ago he is not successful as IU for comparison while UI has 20M+ follower on IG Y/n followers is just around 750k

"Im gonna accept a company that let me write all my songs and release the song I want i have no other demand" Y/n added

"Searching for a company that wants you is not easy as you think it needs time and negotiation. i will search as soon as possible. I'm driving through a tunnel so I will hang up now byee" the manager said

"I will accept any company. oh and don't apply to JY-" the manager hangup before Y/n cant finished his sentences. y/n put his phone in his pocket and walk to the lobby

Y/n joined the company right after he left trainee program at JYP. at first, Y/n reject the offer cause he wants to try being an independent singer. But The Company is willing to produce his song and let him write the lyrics himself. but after a few months of working there, Y/n is feeling like the promises are not met. he was forced to sing other people's work songs and he hates it. hate the fact that he is lying to his fans by saying that he wrote the songs himself 

it was cold outside when y/n walk outside the company building, his house was not far away from the company building well maybe he needs to move when he signed to a new agency. The walk was quiet, not many people were still outside at this hour.

while walking home Y/n stop by the nearby convenience store remembering that he needs to buy food and drink since the last time he bought it is weeks ago

"Oso Oseyo" said the clerk welcoming Y/n she's a young girl probably still in a high school helping her parent by doing a part-time job

Y/n just smiles politely and resumes strolling down the aisle searching for food and drink that he needs. after putting rice ramen and kimchi to the cart he was pushing he arrived at the drink section

y/n is now standing in front refrigerator roaming the drink with his eyes when something caught his eyes. it was sparkling water with TWICE photos on it. he remembers the advertisement he saw while ago TWICE is the brand ambassador for this brand. he took one with Sana picture on it. its not that he avoids picking certain person. the one with sana picture on it was in front of the other

after done with all the things he need he headed to the counter to pay

"This one is expired, let me give you the one that's not, I must forgot to check and replace this one" the girl said while holding sparkling water he bought 

Arrived at home the first thing he did was laying down on sofa. today is a tiring day, especially with the rejected songs and the fact that now he wants to move into a new company. after for about 15 minutes of laying down, his stomach begins to gurgle.

he decides to cook a simple meal to eat tonight. unpacking the ingredient chopping them and cooking them in less than 30 minutes. Y/n is good at cooking his mom taught him how to cook at early age his mom taught him because he liked watching her cooking.

after all was done, he sat down in front of the TV and pick the drink he bought earlier. eating in silence while watching some movie that played on the tv. He grabs the drink and drinks it when he realizes that the sparkling water he holding has Mina's photo on it she look cute since the last time he saw her. she didn't change that much

"I really can't get you out of my mind can I," he said talking to the sparkling bottle he holding maybe he really is out of his mind

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