Chapter 2 | Rumor

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Y/n was in a cafe nearby his apartment writing down lyrics and ideas while watching people come and go from inside the cafe. he really likes this coffee shop the place is far from main road there is just a small road in front of the coffee shop that pedestrians walk. there is not a lot of noise because of that he can think clearly and write his song faster

"You wanna hurt yourself" y/n mumbles and writing it down already spent 2 hours thinking about his song

You wanna make yourself go through the pain
it's better to be held than holding on
I hate that I have to be strong
I hate that your gone

he finally finish writing the last part of his song when he got called from his manager. It's been a week since the last phone call Y/n had with his manager. 

"y/n I found a company that want you just need to go there and sign the contract" his manager said on the phone

"Sure where is the company?" said y/n sipping his coffee that arrived not long ago

"you used to be a trainee there"

"WHAT don't tell me!" y/n said raising his voice

"yes, it is JYPE. you told me a week ago to apply there" his manager is confused he thought y/n told him to apply there

"I SAID DONT APPLY THERE!!"  now fully shouts for a second he forgot he was at a cafe. the other customer spontaneously look at Y/n

y/n said sorry with an apologetic smile and walk out of the cafe still talking to the phone. fortunately, there are not many people there.

"can you withdraw the offer?. I don't want to go there"

"well, the media kinda get the wind of it so there is already a lot of rumor regarding your move. so declining JYP would be a bad move for your career"

after few minutes of debating with his manager Y/n accept the fate that he was actually going to sign with JYP. He dont want to but its not funny if he got hated when he just started his carrer just because he dont want to sign.

"When do i need to go there?" y/n sighing

"In a few days you just need to sign the paper and thats it"

"Fine ill do it"


"aish" she sighs. Mina is in the middle of building a house in Minecraft when a creepy explode near her character. she's been playing Minecraft for the past few hours twice has been given few days off their schedule after preparing for a comeback and practicing finally they have a few days to themselves 

"Mina unnie we gonna go to the coffee shop do you wanna go with us?" Chaeyoung said peeking from the bedroom door. that makes mina look up from her phone.

"ani you can go. I still want to lay here" mina said lazily pulling her comforter up covering half of her body

"really?. we also need to stop by the company building. Nayeon unnie left her phone there yesterday" chaeyoung said still convincing mina to join


after chaeyoung left mina decide to sleep. but because she's not sleepy yet she open youtube and watch fans edit and Twice TTT she like watching it whenever she has the time 30 minutes past she put her phone down and sleep.

a loud laugh woke up mina in the living room she heard nayeon laughing so loud. after gaining some energy she get up and walk to the living room where her members are. but before sitting down mina picked up some food from the refrigerator. after warming up the food she goes into the living room sitting down beside Sana

the room is filled with twice member. dahyan sit beside tzuyu talking about some park they want to visit together. jihyo jeongyeon and nayeon are gossiping. while momo is eating her food and playing with her dog and chaeyoung busy with her drawing book

mina is silently eating her food not listening to any of her friends talking about but what nayeon said next caught her attention

"you know there is a rumor about soloist that gonna sign with JYPE do you guys know?" Nayeon said still eating some snacks in her hand

"ani. I don't know anything about it. where do you hear it from?" Jihyo said usually it is her who knows about the latest rumor or gossip cause she knows many people in the company

"yesterday I left my phone in practice room right. so today cheyoung and me going to the company to pick it up, that when I heard  the receptionist say JYP gonna meet a soloist tomorrow to sign a contract with them. i know his name but i forgot. i think his name is Y/n-si" nayeon said now having all the member attention

Hearing what nayeon said Mina choke on her food

"gwenchana?" momo ask mina, worried

mina just nod and pour some water into her glass and drink it

"Jinjja??, Y/n-si?, the new artist? I am his fan!" chaeyoung said excited among her members chaeyoung is the one with broad music taste she listens to a lot of music no wonder she knew y/n

"I heard he used to be a trainee with us how come we don't know them" Nayeon asked

"ohh!! Y/n? I know him. I meet him once, actually he and mina use-" before sana could answer nayeon mina is already cutting her word

"ani I don't know h-im" mina stuttered cutting sana word after that she glared at sana. sana just form an O on her mouth understanding that mina doesn't want to tell her member about her ex other than Sana momo is the one who knows about her past it was because their friendship is formed way before sixteen even begin. when they used to be a trainee mina Sana and momo always spent time together no wonder they know about each other secret

after that her groupmate just looks at mina curious why she needs to correct sana word but don't ask further. they back to talking about some dating rumor and talking about trainee day when they work really hard to get what they have now while mina is still lost in thought after hearing his name for the first time for few years.



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