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Hey Everyone!

Thanks to all of the people who have fanned me recently and left really nice comments! You’re all so sweet =)

I hope you enjoy this next chapter. I know it’s been a while but hopefully it’ll be a longish one!

Em x


“Josh?” I questioned. Memories came flooding back and my mask slipped for a second.

 ‘Remember Hope don’t let anybody in they’ll just hurt you again.’ I reminded myself in my head. I pushed back the memories and tried to block out all of my emotions.

“You didn’t answer my question” Josh said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked still ignoring the fact that he asked what had happened to me. I wasn’t going to be telling him that anytime soon.

“I got kicked out of college” What? But Josh was probably their best student by far why the hell would they kick him out? Either that or…

“JOSHUA ALEX ANDERSON WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE?!?!” I shouted at him using his full his name for emphasis.

“I got bored” He spoke casually.

“YOU GOT WHAT?!? YOU CAN’T JUST GET BORED AND COME BACK HERE! I thought that was your dream.” I screamed at him again and then whispered at toward the end.

Ok let me explain. Josh is like a brother to me. We grew up together and have always been really close the only thing was that he was 3 years older than me.

So he had to go off to college and leave me behind here.

His dream was always to be an artist so he went off to Art College and I know that he loved it there.

This was going to need a really good explanation.

“It was my dream but dreams change Hopper” He said using his nickname for me. That almost brought me to tears and I completely forgot about keeping my emotions locked up as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I just missed him so much.

He came over and hugged me. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening and I got to see Josh again.

“I missed you so much Joshy” I whispered in his ear. And he just squeezed me even more.

 Soon I could feel the air starting to get squished out of my lungs and had to pry him off before he suffocated me.

“Joshy. Can’t. Breathe. Here” I gasped out and he pulled back laughing.

“Oh God Hopper, sorry!” He laughed “and I missed you too” He said mumbling the last part whilst ruffling my hair.

“Hey not the hair!” I shouted and punched him on the arm jokingly.

“Ouch! Little girl you’ve gotten strong! That’s gonna leave a bruise.” Josh complained.

“Haha” I laughed “but seriously I missed you and you owe me one huge explanation on why you are here right now and not at college.”

“Okey, okey. How about we go back to your house to talk about it?” He suggested.

“Fine” I huffed wanting him to explain now but I knew that it would be better to go back to my house where it was more private.

We started walking towards my house not even bothering to go back into school. I’ll just have to remember to text Mar later and tell her I was skipping for the rest of the day.

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