Party Time!!!

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Heyyyyyy Everyone!!

Soooo this is the next part. Some exciting stuff is about to do down!!!!!!!!!

I’ve dedicated this chapter to my best friend taylordonald.

We had a bet to see if we could both update by midnight tonight and I’m hoping she did or all hell might have to break loose!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

Em x


Driving down the street we could already hear the thumping bass of he music from Marks house.

Mark was the guy having the party tonight and a friend of Mar’s. He was quite a good looking boy but nothing that stood out from the crowd. He was a well liked person so I was guessing that his house was going to be packed tonight.

As we drew nearer to the house we could see the entire street lined with cars and strobe lights beaming onto the road.

There was plenty people on the grass outside the house puking and staggering to there cars.

There was lots of noise coming from the house. Most of it music but some shouting and very loud, obnoxious singing.  And the party was only just getting started.

After about 20 minutes of searching we finally managed to find a parking space near enough to the house.

“Whoa, it looks like this place is going to be pretty packed.” Said Mar from the front seat of the car.

“I think so too” I agreed. “We better stick close together so we don’t get lost” I suggested

“Yeah good thinking Hope. Just remember I’m not drinking so you can get as hammered as you like!” She joked.

“Ha-ha very funny Mar.”  I said sarcastically. “You know fine that I’m not going to drink that much.”

“Sure, sure now let’s go party!!”  Oh great she hasn’t even had a drop of alcohol and she’s already in a great mood.

We both got out of the car and started to make out way towards the front of the house. Whilst we were walking up the driveway there was lots of hoots and wolf – whistles from the guys watching us.

I cringed and suddenly regretted wearing such a short dress, whereas Mar was soaking in all the attention and started swaying her hips as she walked.

We walked through the front door and at first sight you new that this was definitely a typical house party.

The hallway was packed with couples snogging the faces off each other and there was hardly any room to get past.

Mar and I managed to barge our way past the hot and sweaty couples and into the main room. Were we started looking for Mark.

Making our way through to the kitchen with linked arms there was lots of whispering and murmuring going around. I just caught snippets of conversation such as ‘wow those to look hot’ or ‘I would totally bang them’ or simply just ‘who are they?’

When we got into the huge kitchen we spotted Mark over in a corner talking to some of his friends from school.

Mar picked up a red plastic cup on her way over and handed it to me. She picked up a can of coke for herself as well.

As Mark saw us heading towards him he excused himself from his friends and came over to greet us.

“I’m sooo glad you guuuuyyyys cammmee! You looook hotttt, yoouuu too!” He said slurring his words slightly; obliviously he was a little tipsy.

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