Tom's Back? Really?

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I know this chapter has taken forever to upload but I promise you it is definitely worth it. I’ve put a lot of unexpectantness into here so I hope you enjoy!!

Em x


"Tom" That was the last word that left my mouth before I blacked out. 

I could hear voices in the back of my mind and the beep of a heart monitor but I didn’t have a clue what was going on. I wasn't aware of where I was or what was going on around me. 

I felt so tired and I would associate the feeling of being run over by a bus with the pain in my body.

I just wanted to stay in the blackness forever but I knew that I would need to open my eyes soon enough. As they say better sooner than later.

So with that thought in my eyes I slowly peeled my eyes open.

The light was blinding at first but my eyes soon adjusted and I was able to make out that I was in a hospital room. I scanned over the room and saw my dad sitting on chair beside me sleeping. He had bags under his eyes that looked like he hadn’t been able to sleep for days. I still hadn’t remembered what had happened and I was starting to get worried.

“Hope” Someone whispered my name and my head quickly snapped to the side only to crink my neck and a string of curse words to come out of my mouth.

“Oh crap sorry...” Said the guy across the room. I still hadn’t managed to get a look at him but somehow the voice sounded familiar and sent shivers down my spine.

Ever so slowly I turned my head around careful to not crink my neck again and gasped when I saw who it was.

All the memories suddenly came rushing back and I remembered what had happened. I had been at a party and had been attacked only to be saved by…

“Tom” I whispered. This time I didn’t black out at the sight of him and was gaping in awe.

How could he be here? Is this all a dream? How can he still look so hot after all these years? Does he even still remember me?

“How can you…how are you…what are you doing here?” I asked still in astonishment that I hadn’t woken up yet. I even pinched myself to check that this wasn’t a dream and it was actually happening.

 “Do you know who I am?” He asked quietly as if hoping that I would say yes.

“Of course I do, do you remember me?” I replied praying with all my might that he would remember who I am.

“Em, yeah you were the one from the party the other night. Are you feeling alright?” He questioned when I had gone pale and started breathing heavily.

Of course he wouldn’t remember me how could I be so stupid.

I burst into tears.

I couldn’t hold it back anymore. 4 years of waiting and when he finally comes back he doesn’t even remember who I am. I mean I’ve definitely changed a little bit I mean it’s been four years everybody’s bound to change even in the slightest way.

I’ve grown taller so my legs are really long now and my hair is longer as well. My hair used to be a really dark auburn colour but its started fading slightly and with being in the sun so much its gotten a bit blonde at the ends.

Ever since ‘the change’ I’ve got more curves and I’ve filled out a bit but I just look more grown up than before, not like a completely new person.

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