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Hi guys. Picture of Sandor. I don't really have a clue of what to write so I'm going to have a rant. I really don't like it when people get their grammar mixed up and it bugs the crap out of me. Ok,
Your and you're are not the same.

Threw and through are not the same.

There and they're are not the same.

Now and know are not the same.

Knew and new are not the same.

It bugs me so much so I decided I might just point that out just so you know.




Jordy xx 😎👶👧😇


Irisa's POV

I was going through a rebellious stage. My grades dropped, my clothes got smaller, my mouth got pottier, I spent my weekends partying, my days wagging and my nights sleeping around with boys.

It was a few months after this faze that I met Sandor. Sandor was amazing. He was very understanding and got me back on track to where I should've been. I instantly fell in love with him. He was perfect. Kind, caring, smart and very good looking. After a while I started sleeping with him.

My raging lust took me to a big part in my life. A couple of months after we started going out I started getting very sick.

Morning sickness they called it. It was horrible and I didn't know how to break the news to him. So I didn't.

After a while I began getting bigger and bigger. As soon as he saw this he questioned me. And every time I lied. I lied and lied until finally I was 4 months pregnant. By then I was massive.

I told Sandor and he didn't question me, he just smiled and gave me a kiss and told me that I was going to be an amazing mum.

But then also as I got bigger people started to notice. And is customary in high schools, gossip began to spread.

I lost all of my best friends. I was known as many things. Spreader, whore, slut and just plain disgusting. The only friend I had was my boyfriend and my twin brother.

One month after that I left school, and I never went back. Sandor and I planned for our baby nonstop. We found out we were going to be having a little girl. We were both thrilled but deep inside I knew the major consequences.

I was 16 for crying out loud. Me having a kid is like blasphemy. Totally against my religion and beliefs. I was also going to college. I'd been accepted to go to Princeton and Harvard. But because of her I had to go to the community college that was about an hour away. I wouldn't be able to be a good mother and look after her everyday like I was supposed to do. It would be selfish and mean of me.

Yet I continued. We decided to name her Jaelyn. A unique name but good. We knew she was going to be blonde as well. Both me and Sandor had blonde hair.

When I gave birth, it was the most painful thing I'd ever experienced. But it had all been worth being able to hold my baby in my arms. A year later and here she was. Living with my grandma and living a good life.

I visited them every weekend. Well every weekend I could. It was the same routine. I would catch a bus over every Saturday Monday and then back again on Sunday afternoon. That gave me enough time to stay and catch up, while then having enough time to do any homework due on the Monday.

I looked down at my little girl. Blonde curls cascading around her face. I gave her a kiss before lifting her up and swirling her through the air. She let out little screams of joy as I did so. After our little play I took her to the kitchen. She enjoyed riding in 'mummy's car' as she called it. She was absolutely precious.

As we got into the kitchen the smell of my grans cooking flooded me. It smelt delicious. Different sorts of aromas. Cookies, coffee, cake. Yum. I got out of my chair and sat down on the kitchen table, bringing Jaelyn onto my lap. Gran placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of me and I graciously accepted it. She sat across from me and put her serious face on. I knew what she was going to say before she even did.

"I've organised the date for the funeral." She said. As I had assumed.

"I talked to Sandor's parents and we decided to have a joint funeral." I nodded.

"It will be in two weeks time. On a Saturday. After the service we will read the will and then we will invite everyone to come back to your old house." I nodded again. Just thinking about my parents made me want to cry. I was so stricken that something like that could happen.

"Ok. I'll send out invitations." I said. It was going to be a long two weeks.


Tristan's POV

I sat in my office with paper work all over my desk. I tapped my pen against the table. I couldn't concentrate. My mind was constantly on Irisa. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. And neither could my wolf which wasn't really helping my case. I looked over at the news bulletins coming up on my TV. There seemed to be some mass murders going on. And that's what my paper work is about. The killings have all been werewolves. All of them. And I have my suspects.

Suspect #1: Kaidan Rowe.

Suspect #2: Caryn Rowe.

Suspect #3: Queen Sophia of the Winter Court.

Suspect #4: All Unseelie Fae.

Suspect #5: Rouges.

Suspect #6: Hunters.

To be honest it could be all of them and that's the problem. Our race is at threat for all of this.

Dhantay was lounging out on the couch in my office. He was on suspect duty. We had a list of people on a white board of who it could be.

I looked up as my door opened and both Dhantay and I let out growls. Not the best idea.

"Dhantay Black! Tristan Henderson! How dare you growl at me! Show some respect!" My Aunty Jordan scolded us as she marched in and plonked herself on the couch next to Dhantay. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then turned to the whiteboard. She let out a loud growl.

"Why is that dick and his abomination's name on that board?" She asked in distaste.

"Suspects for murder." Dhantay said.

"Oh, murder." Another voice said and I turned to see Enzo. I stood up and gave him a bro hug.

"How've you been bro?" I asked. He was my best friend. We'd known each other for ever and have always been really close.

"Alessia got shitty at me again." He said rubbing his temples and I laughed. Enzo and his mate have a very bumpy relationship, kind of like my parents. "What about you?"

"I found my mate."I said proudly and Aunt Jordan squealed.

"How come you didn't tell me this as soon as I came in?" She asked and I chuckled.

"You never asked." I replied which earned a slap to the back of my head.

"Jessamine Henderson! How come you didn't tell me your son found his mate!?" She shouted at my mum.

"Oh! Tristan found his mate!" My mum called back and then many squeals sounded.

This was going to be a long night.


Happy ANZAC day everybody. If you don't know what it is search it up on the internet.

Lest We Forget.

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