Love is like a battlefield

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Howdy, howdy. I am greeting you to this next chapter. My apologies for not updating in a while, unless you only just finished reading the other chapters, then welcome to the wonderful world that is my imagination. Ok dokey, here is the next chapter.




Jordy xx


Irisa's POV

It has been about a week since Kaidan tried to invade us and Jess had the baby and Caryn/Brittany escaped, basically since all the shit went down. Many people were killed and even more were injured in the fighting. It was strange to be around everyone when it was so glum and nothing seemed to be happening. There was no joy in the air anymore and it was making me feel rather down.

Little baby Marian is growing fast but I think it might be a werewolf thing because Jaelyn never grew that fast. Jaelyn loves Marian and whenever we go somewhere is always making sure that she is there. It is so adorable.

I haven't seen much of Tristan in the past couple of days and he hasn't been coming to class so the only time I actually see him is if I go to bed late or wake up really early. I understand that he has so much going on and that he has heaps of work but I really miss him. I also really don't want him overworking himself, which I can tell he is going to do. I know I sound clingy but we have a mate bond and it is really hard for me.

After a week of not seeing Tristan, I decided that I was going to do something productive. So after class each day, I would study for hours upon hours until I finally felt like I was going to pass out from exhaustion. It probably wasn't a very healthy method but it would do for now. 

So that is how I spent the entirety of two weeks. Wake up, eat, class, eat, class, home, eat, study. And let me tell you the amount of acne that has come up from all the stress is insane. But I had exams coming up very soon so there was no way that I was stopping anytime soon. 

I was sitting on the bed with my laptop and a black face mask on when Tristan walked in.

"Hello, stranger." I know it was mean but I couldn't help it.  He kind of looked a bit taken aback before he came over to sit on the edge of the bed. He let out a big sigh and rubbed his hands over his face.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been around, I've been so busy dealing with everything in the pack and I haven't had a single second of downtime." He said looking at me. He looked strained but he also looked humoured by something.

"What's so funny?" I asked crossing my arms and looking at him. The humour vanished from his face instantly. 

"I can't have a serious conversation with you when you have all of that stuff on your face." He said and reached for my hand but I quickly got up off the bed and strode towards the bathroom.

"Fine then." 

"Wait-" I slammed the bathroom door before he could say anything else. I quickly scrubbed my face and took off all the tar-like substance before going out to see that Tristan was lying on the bed with his head straight into the pillows. 

"Are we going to have a serious conversation now?" I asked and he quickly spun around to look at me.  He patted the bed next to him and picked up all of my books so that there was space for both of us. 

"I'm sorry, again, that I haven't been spending time with you that much, now that I have found you my dad is preparing me for when I will take over and so he has been handing me most of the work load."

"So is this what it is going to be like when you get coronated?" I asked and he hung his head slightly.

"It won't be this bad because obviously with recent events all of the packs are in a certain amount of panic, especially because of what happened last time when it first blew up with my mum. So as the future soveriegn I have to try and make sure all of the packs needs are met so that everything will go smoothly and there aren't any protests or fights." I nodded and looked down at my hands.

"I guess, I have been unfair on you and rather... clingy." I said. He linked his hands with mine and I looked up at him and he gave me a smile.

"You aren't clingy, I was just not being a good mate but don't worry that is going to change." He said and closed it off with a kiss.

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