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Hi. Life isn't going so good. So as of Sunday, well NZ Sunday, I'm not going to be in the range of internet for a week and I will not be able to update. Cry. But alas I shall strive to do three updates by then. And I don't mean three updates of this book I mean all the books. And just because, here is a picture of one of the most loved people in NZ. Ritchie McCaw, the captain of the All Blacks. Go the ABS,




Jordy xx


Tristan's POV

I was in complete and utter shock. I don't even know what just happened. I had jeopardised everyone's lives, even that of my mate. I was rather distressed. After the incident I immediately went upstairs and sat in my room. I didn't do anything, I just sat. My mind was running so much that I couldn't comprehend doing anything else.

Shit had officially hit the fan.

I still needed to get this romantic getaway thing going though. My mum had somehow convinced me that I needed to tell Irisa about what I was. And also, I wanted her to have the best birthday ever, if I could. But telling her seemed like a way to ruin it. And if I ruined her birthday, our relationship could possibly be ruined.

I sat at my computer trying to get all the details secured so that I could finalise the trips itinerary. I was just about to be finished when I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered, still typing away at my computer.

"Hey, it's Irisa. I was wondering if you could do me a favour?" Just at the sound of her voice I stopped writing. Her voice gave me the chills and I just wanted to listen to it constantly. 

"What can I do for you?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"Could you drive me to the mall. There are no buses that go that way and I need to get a few things." I tried to suppress a smile. She came asking to me. That was a good sign.

"Sure, how about I pick you up in 15 minutes?" I heard her murmur in agreement. "I'll be there soon."


I pulled up to the dorm block and quickly parked my car. I hadn't seen her in about two days and I was having withdrawls. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and quickly knocked on her door.

 I was greeted by the most perfect sight when she opened the door. As always, she looked absolutely perfect and beautiful. She gave me a smile and I could no longer resist. I swept in and captured her mouth with my own. 

If I thought she looked good, she tasted much better. We were locked in a deep sensation when I pulled back to look at her.

"That was a nice greeting." I said to her smiling and she giggled while hiding behind her hair. "Are you ready?" I put my hand out for her. She took it before turning around and locking the door.

"Why do you need to go to the mall?" I asked her.

"Just to get some bits and bobs. I need some new shirts. I also need to buy some things from my Gran." She said and I nodded. I obviously was going to buy all the stuff for her. I didn't want her spending a single cent.

"Are you excited for your birthday?" I asked as she slid into my car. 

"It isn't that big of a deal." She said shrugging and I scoffed. Not that big of a deal? She's turning 18 fro crying out loud.

"It is a big deal, and we are doing something. Next Wednesday is your birthday, so we are leaving then and going away for five days. You will need to pack clothes for a warm climate and also bring togs, because we will be swimming." I said sternly as I pulled out of my parking space.

"But-" She tried to protest but I interrupted her.

"No buts, I want to do something special for you and this is going to be it." I said and I looked over to see her smiling. I really wanted to kiss her but we were driving and I wasn't about to put her in that type of danger.

We pulled up at the mall and I grabbed her hand as we walked in. There were a lot of humans around and it was unnerving. They stared at Irisa and if they were werewolves they would have known that she was mine and no one else's. 

We walked around the mall for a while and I refused that Irisa bought anything with her own money, so every time I purchased it for her, she would glare at me. I then would just give her a smile before placing a small kiss on her lips. 

We sat down at a cafe for lunch and Irisa seemed to shy away from a lot of the people, as if she knew them.

A group of girls came over to us and looked in disgust at Irisa. I turned to glare at them but Irisa put her hand on my arm to stop me. I looked over at her and she just shook her head.

"Holding him against his will are you?" I heard a feminine voice come from behind us. It was the same group of girls and they stood glaring at Irisa. 

"No she was stopping me from glaring at you, actually." I said with a bit of venom in my voice. They looked a little shocked but once they saw me properly they gave me coy smiles. 

"What is such an attractive man doing with a wretch like her?" One of the girls asked and I just raised my eyebrows. A wretch? Really that was all they could come up with?

"Being her boyfriend is what I'm doing." I said and stood up from my chair and took Irisa with me. I wanted to get away from these girls. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Irisa as we walked away. 

"Yeah." She said softly nodding her head. I could tell she was lying. It looked to have hurt her quite a bit actually.

"Who were those girls?"

"Some people who used to be my friends." She said softly again before walking a little quicker towards the car. This is the second time this has happened now. That guy Sam and now those girls. And they were all calling her names. 

I knew that eventually she would tell me the problem but I just couldn't comprehend why they would call her things like that? She was so sweet and innocent. What did she do to make people think of her like this?

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