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Hi. So, how are you. This is a little awkward. I haven't updated in a while and I don't want you all to get pissed at me. But oh well. Here is the next chapter. Ok,




Jordy xx


Irisa's POV

As soon as his lips touched mine I was in pure heaven. It was truly amazing. I thought that he was going to push me off him in disgust, as I was the one who broke up with him. But he didn't and I was so happy and pleased with it all. But then of course, me being me, I burst into tears and fell onto my knees in a crying mess.

Tristan instantly sunk down to me and wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as I buried my head into his chest.

"Everything is." I replied. "You aren't supposed to be standing here holding me. Not after what I did. You are supposed to be angry at me and shouting and making me beg for forgiveness. Not being so kind like normally. This isn't what was supposed to happen." I finished looking up at him.

"But how could I do that. You are amazing and sweet and caring. You are also so beautiful, inside and out. I just can't resist you. I'm the one who should be asking for forgiveness. It was obviously something I did. And you are to amazing to yell at. I would never yell at you intentionally. I would never hurt you like that." He said and wiped away my tears with his fingers. He was to nice for his own good.

I gave him a smile before standing up. He towered over me. By a lot. I was definitely short and he was tall, so that made me feel even shorter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood up on my tip toes to give him a kiss. I will never get over his kisses they are just something else.

I stood down but wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a hug.

"Thank you." I said into his chest. "For always being here for me. You are so great." I heard him chuckle and looked up at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend, again?" He asked and I gave him a smile and nodded.

"Of course, now I need to get back to preparing for my first game." I said and gave him a quick on the lips before heading back to the changing rooms. I felt him slap my butt and let out a yelp. I heard him laughing so flipped him the bird. This was going to be great.


After the game, Tristan met me back at my changing room before we headed out for lunch.

"What are you feeling like today?" He asked and I thought for a while before thinking of the best idea.

"Wonton soup." I said licking my lips and he gave me a look.

"If that's what you want, ok then." He said and pulled me to a Chinese restaurant. There weren't many people in there, meaning we could talk in peace.

I sat down at a corner table and waited for someone to come take our orders.

"You know, I really missed you." Tristan said and it was like a stab to my heart. I had caused him unneeded pain. I shattered me just thinking about it. From the beginning all I wanted to do was please him, but he unfortunately wasn't able to get what he needed because I had been blackmailed and threatened.

Now that I thought about it, Kaidan could get me now. I was vulnerable. I hadn't done as he had asked and I was more than likely going to pay for it. I was torn. I didn't know what to do. This is how I had felt that night, two months ago. My heart and my brain thinking two different things.

"Are you alright?" I heard and looked up to see Tristan looking at me with concern.

"Yeah, just thinking." I said back, leaning my head in my hand.

"What about?" He asked and I chuckled, he was liking questions today.

"Life, in general." I said and he nodded.

"You know that if you ever need to talk you can come to me right?" He said and I nodded giving him a smile, he was so sweet.

"Of course, you would be the first person that I would go to." I replied and grabbed his hands from across the table.

The waitress came over than and we ordered our drinks and I got some wonton soup, just because. It was a sudden craving. Like how some people have cravings for chicken nuggets, mine is for wonton soup. Don't even ask. It is just so delicious.

I looked over to see the door open and in walked Brittany and some guy. I looked over at Tristan to see that he was just as surprised as me.

"Brittany, Marco. It's good to see you guys." Tristan greeted them. I will never get over the fact that Tristan seems to know everyone. I gave them a wave as they came over to our table.

"Hi guys, what are you doing here?" Brittany asked us and Tristan answered for us.

"Irisa was craving wonton soup so I brought her here." He said laughing and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. That Marco guy didn't look impressed. Oh well, haters gonna hate.

"Well we'll see you guys later. We just came to pick up our takeaways. See you later." She said and strutted off. I swear I saw Marco glaring at me. What is his problem? I have never seen him in my life until today. He has no right to judge me.

The waitress came back delivering our food and I instantly dug in. It was pure heaven.

"Make sure you don't burn you mouth." Tristan said laughing. I just rolled my eyes at him and was about to talk and then I realised I had a wonton in my mouth. Oh well. I quickly chewed it and then went back to my point.

"You can not put a time on deliciousness." I said to him pointedly. He laughed.

"No you can't." His scorching gaze was focused on me and I immediately blushed. He can not say things like that to me. He ended up getting a mighty slap on the arm from me.

"Ow." He said mockingly. It probably hurt me more than him. he had some strong arms man. Like pure muscle. Oh god, I was probably blushing even more now.

When we had finally finished our meal, Tristan drove me back to my dorm. We could finally take the much less dodgy route by going up the stairs.

"Have I ever told you how amazing your legs are?" Tristan asked cheekily from behind me.

"No but I believe you just did." I replied to him confidently. I really didn't want him to know that I was blushing my head off. My face was so red it wasn't even funny.

We got to my door and I stopped in front of it and looked up at Tristan. I went onto my tip toes and gave him a soft kiss.

"So, just checking, we are alright now?" Tristan asked which earned a giggle from me.

"If that is what you want." I said.

"It is what I have always wanted.

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