Chapter 2 Dealings

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"Ursula, how's that transformation spell I taught you coming along?" Mother asked me as I lounged on the carved rock of our day room. "Do you prefer daydreaming of your upcoming nuptials than perfecting our craft?"
I sigh, "I practiced plenty this morning, Mother. It's easy to transform fish," I wave off. I spent the better half of the day practicing transforming an innocent fish back and forth between its birth form and that of a sea snail. He had several choice words to say to that, but I needed practice, and we made a deal.
I've come to enjoy making deals. I've grown in power, and having an army of fish and other sea creatures owing me, well, that made me feel powerful. It started as a desperate attempt to get a simple angelfish to agree to let me transform them, and in return, I changed their colors to be more appealing to the other angelfish. Word quickly got around, and soon enough, I had fish lining up to be transformed. At first, it was just the colors of their scales, but then some fish wished to be a different species entirely. I had a clownfish that wanted to change into something other predator fish would fear, and in return, he owed me a favor that I may redeem at any time of my choosing. So, I changed him into a vile-looking creature that dwells in the darkest part of the ocean. He got what he wanted, but at what cost? No other fish dared go near him, and so he lives his life now, hiding in trenches all alone.
Even with all my dealings, I was concerned with perfecting our livelihood. The transactions gave me more than enough practice. However, I wanted to expand my little side business to more appealing prey: merfolk. Unfortunately, the extra distraction leading up to Triton's and I's meeting took away from that. My nerves were on fire, and I was eager to get our marriage underway. I have waited long enough to have my Prince. "I need something more...challenging, Mother."
"I'm sure Morgana would be more than happy to help you with your studies," she replies, gesturing to my younger sister, who sat in the far corner of the room rereading one of our family grimoires. The last thing I needed was for my sister to get involved. The moment she caught wind of my dealings, she would run tattling to Mother, eager for her respect and pride.
"What, Mother?" she asks, peeking from her book. "I'm to learn transforming now?"
"Dear sweet child, you aren't nearly far enough along with your own studies to begin such complex magic as a transformation," she huffs. "I was merely suggesting Ursula practice transforming you, since she's already mastered working with simple fish." My mother looked over at me then, pride beaming on her face, "I should've known you may require a more... complex being to transform." Mother didn't know that I already had plans to meet with a desperate merman later this week.
"Mother, I—" Morgana cut in.
"Hush, I doubt your sister would do anything to place you in harm's way. What do you expect her to do? Turn you into a worm?" our mother exasperates.
"I can find some simpleton merman to practice on, Mother," I suggested. I didn't need her to think I'd already begun. She beamed with pride in seeing me excel, but I was overly cautious with this particular skill. If I were too eager, she would grow suspicious, and if that were to happen. I doubt I could hide all the evidence of my crimes. "I'm sure there's someone out there desperate enough for help from a sea witch."
"Darling, I don't need you causing any trouble amongst the merfolk. Your position in the kingdom has only recently been elevated. I don't need a scandal to put you at risk," Mother retorted. I knew she would be hesitant to allow me to practice on merfolk. One mistake could threaten our family's position and my new position from being betrothed to Prince Triton. I could feel my skin blaze with the thought. My tentacles practically curled in on themselves as I imagined the importance of my role taken from me prematurely. I wanted this more than anything now. All the powers of the ocean are in my control. Or, well, that of mine and Tritons, of course. He would wield the trident and wear the starred crown, but I would be the hand that guides him. The neck that turns the head. Love aside, I would have more responsibility and power than anyone else. How could this information not make me giddy?
"Of course, mother. I'll figure something out that doesn't require Morgana to sacrifice herself for the cause or endanger the other merfolk." Although, I have other plans, of course.

"Ursula, remind me again why I'm coming out here with you. The ocean is far too dark to see anything here," my confidant, Vanessa, tells me as we swim farther away from home.
"I need to find something... or someone," I tell her as I search the dark depths ahead of us. "Firstly, I need a place to work."
"Is this what Pandora had in mind when she asked you to practice your magic?" She eyes me suspiciously.
"What my mother doesn't know won't hurt her."
Vanessa was my only other friend besides Triton. I understood, for the most part, that I was intimidating, but she didn't seem to let it bother her. Most staff at the palace hid around corners from my mother and our family, but Vanessa refused to hide. For that, I admired her and her recklessness. We were, after all, the most magically gifted family in the sea. Everyone should fear us and what we are capable of.
"You are very bold for a witch still in training, you know. I'm certain your mother is still more powerful than you."
"She won't always be. I need a safe and secure place to make deals, and I can't be caught doing it within the city."
"Why? Because it's dangerous, and you're stupid enough to try it?" Vanessa swims to my side and gives me a stern glare, and I glare back.
"You promised me that you would let me practice on you. Wouldn't that make you the stupid one?"
"I never said I was smart... I think I'm mainly... curious. What do you plan on turning me into anyway?"
"Something easy to begin with, I suppose. I don't want to transform all of you just yet. So, I might try pieces of you to begin with. Change your hair, your eyes, your nose, perhaps. Graduate to full-body transformations once I've successfully managed that. I have a merman looking to make a deal with me, and I need to be certain I can do what he desires."
"I'm not going to be disfigured as I? I have enough trouble getting merboys to like me already."
"Vanessa, darling, when I'm through, the mermen will be begging for a piece of you," I said as I waved her off.
"And what does this merman desire to gain from your spell to transform?" She asks.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I know it has to do with appearance. Some trouble with attracting the eyes of another merwoman; you know how it goes."
We approached a boneyard, and I could feel the heat radiating off vents that can off the ocean floor. A hot spring and dead creatures. The perfect place.
"This. This is it." I began to swim closer to an enormous skeleton of what looked like a leviathan with a broad smile forming on my face and looked over at my friend.
Vanessa turned to look at me with a disgusted look on her face. "You don't mean to actually meet merpeople you?" she asks incredulously.
"What better way to make them fear my power than to have them step into a hot springs boneyard? It'll be another way to verify their seriousness to use me for my services." I looked out and saw a giant creature's bones decayed by years of wear. I began to swim closer to the dead animal and noticed its mouth open into what could pass as a cave. This would be perfect.
"Ursula, sometimes I fear for your sanity."
I turned back and gave her a wicked smile. "Oh, Vanessa, you should definitely be afraid." I turned back to the entrance, and the gears in my head began to turn on how I could change this place to my liking.
"But it isn't my sanity you should fear..." I turned around again, reaching for her hands. "My clientele tend to... regret my dealings."
"Are you telling me I will regret letting you change my appearance?"
"Not necessarily... just be careful what you wish for."

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