Chapter 18 a Sea Witch

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One week since my mother usurped the crown, and I have been frantic. Sleep evades me. Each time I close my eyes, I am reminded of Triton's face as his father is stabbed in the chest. The way he looked at me... if I didn't think my heart was broken before, surely it is in pieces now.
Morgana has been a recluse since the whole ordeal, having been caught up in the crowd at my so-called marriage. A wedding that turned into a ploy to help my mother steal the crown and the trident right out of Poseidon's hands.
I can't seem to understand, and my mother has been too busy to explain. Every time I try to ask her anything, she is caught up in dealing with the fallout of her decision. If something isn't explained soon, I fear I will implode. I will cave into myself to seek shelter in my mind. I cannot endure the unknown for much longer.
Mother has directed us to claim real estate in the Royal suites and day rooms. Yet, I still find myself wandering back to this side of the palace where I used to sleep—fiddling with my jewelry and staring in the mirror for hours on end.
My mother surprised me, is all. I didn't expect her to do something like this. She had always had a close relationship with Poseidon for as long as I remember. They practically built Atlantica together from the gossip and stories I've been told of the early days. The look of betrayal on our King's face was unmistakable. He never saw this coming, either. I don't know what to do now. My whole life, I had been wishing and anticipating becoming a princess of this court and ruling alongside a future king. I never could have fathomed this.
The Prince is locked away, chained to the walls. Our King is bound and locked away, a knife still protruding from his chest, continually seeping poison into his system that prevents him from fighting back. Both are under constant watch by my mother's guards.
The citizens in Atlantica are in an uproar, constant rioting. Mother has seen fit to punish the loudest protestors in a very public manner. After the first few dozen were bound and anchored, floating around the perimeter, most other citizens were speechless—just what she wanted: acceptance. The first few days were the worst, but she's already broken most of them down. I feel like she's also broken something in me.
My mind is reeling. I don't know if I can recover. I hurt and ache all over as if I was physically reacting to what my mother did.
The sound of my sister brushes over me. I turn and find Morgana peaking through the doorway, nervous to approach.
"Hello, sister, staying busy today?" I ask, making small talk.
"I came to check on you. Mother told me—"
"Oh? So she speaks to you?" I interrupt.
"Well, not exactly. She's been swamped since... well, you know," she looks down, fiddling with her hands and inching her way into the room. "But she had a moment of free time and asked if I could check on you."
"Check on me? My mother completely obliterates my life, imprisons my betrothed, locks away our King—right after she stabbed him—essentially commandeering this kingdom, and sends my little sister. To check on me?" I laugh. And I can't stop laughing.
I keep laughing past the point of my stomach hurting and my lungs being unable to breathe. I laugh and stare at my sister. I laugh until I stop laughing. I start crying. The sounds escaping my mouth turned into ragged sobs. I clutch the vanity that stood behind me and look at myself in the mirror for the hundredth time today. I look tired. The lack of sleep is getting to me. I feel worn out and run down. My hair is long and messy. Floating up and around my head.
I stop crying, spying on my sister, cautiously approaching me from the doorway in the mirror's reflection. I look down at the vanity and search and search until I find what I'm looking for.
I gather my hair into my hands, and I cut.
"Ursula!" My sister shouts, reaching to stop me.
But I don't falter. Instead, I cut and trim the long strands savagely until each lengthy piece is sinking to the floor, leaving nothing but a short bob that looks decidedly wild.
"Ursula, what did you do?" My sister whispers, and I catch her eyes in the mirror. Her face is twisted in horror, a hand to her lips.
And I smile.
I have never felt more in control.
I did that. I made a decision, and I executed it.
"You don't think mother will approve?" I ask sarcastically.
"Why did you cut your hair?" Morgana asks, ignoring my question.
"I think she will absolutely hate it, don't you?" I smile. "She's going to be so upset with me."
"Ursula... are you... okay—"
"Okay? Oh, I'm much better than okay. I've never felt so fantastic." I smile and look down again, searching for my favorite shade of red.
As I apply a thick layer along my lips, I can't help but want more. I search again frantically until I find a delicious shade of eyeshadow and apply it generously to my lids.
"Purple?" My sister asks.
"Something to match my tentacles, aye?" I joke.
"Are you sure you're—"
"Oh yes, Morgana. I think our mother has finally done it." I state.
"Done what?"
"She's finally turned me into the witch she's always wanted me to be." I turned suddenly, my tentacles twisting. "Where is she? Our mother? She needs to explain and not send someone else in an effort to avoid me much longer. Flotsam! Jetsam!" I call forth my eels. They emerged from a shadow in the room, coming up to still on either side of me. "I need you to go check on Triton; tell me exactly where he is being held. Might as well gather information on Poseidon while you're down there, too."
My eels acknowledge their task and silently creep out of the room. My sister is still as a rock, and they pass her.
"When did you get... eels?" She asks.
"A while ago. It might be wise to find yourself a familiar, too. With how things are going, you might want to find something big enough to scare everyone off," I smile.
"Like what?"
"Oh, I don't know, Morgana, a shark, maybe?" I offer, and her eyes widen.
"Oh, I don't..." she begins to ramble.
"For how little you practice our family's magic, I'd think you'd want something with a little more brute force to make up for that."
She looks away, pondering. "Perhaps," she finally says after a long pause.
"You can go find where Mother is since she seems to stay within your range. Tell her to come check on me herself."

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