Chapter 15 Never Underestimate a Sea Witch

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I'm feeling colder than usual. Not in the literal sense, of course. This feeling runs much deeper. My thoughts have gone cold as stone on a winter evening. The deals I have been making lately have only become more steep in price, and my garden is growing bigger and bigger with every poor unfortunate soul that strikes a deal with me. How pathetic.
My wedding is tomorrow and my groom is planning to run away from his duties to be with the one he loves. Little does he, or she, know that I've put together a trap. They plan to leave this evening but their meeting will be intercepted by guards. Guards who favor my mother and my union between Triton and I. They know how to work discreetly and will take the merwoman to the cells and return Triton to the palace, where I will have guards and my eels watching his every breath.
All there is to do now is sit and wait for the inevitable. I will marry Triton, seize the throne and rule Atlantica as Queen of the Seven Seas. My mother always wanted me to be ambitious and what's can possibly be more ambitious than that. Poseidon has been looking for a reason to leave the kingdom, according to my mother. That Poseidon has just been waiting for the moment, his son married, in order to leave. It's no question why my mother was so adamant on this marriage. She wants us to usurp the crown as soon as possible.
My mother has noticed a shift in me and I cannot tell if she fears it or admires it.


I could not fathom what came over me but suddenly I was entering Tritons chambers unannounced. I was determined to make myself known. My guards had already brought him back from the edge of the palace grounds.
He was so close to his freedom, and yet, here he is pouting in his chambers, guarded by men who follow me. Some not of their own accord, some because they've made deals with me, nonetheless they follow my orders.
"So this is how you act the night before your wedding day?" I demand as I rush through the doors of his chamber. He floats by the window, watching out into the ocean with a sullen look draped across his face and his hands rested on the railing. "—Running off with your mistress?!" I shout at him. I have no more room for pleasantries.
"Is that what you think?" He turns, shocked, to look at me. His hands grip the railing so tightly his knuckles turn white.
"It is what I know!" I shout back.
"She is no mistress," he speaks lowly.
"Is that so?" I scoff. "It sure seemed that way when you were gallivanting with her in the ocean!"
"What do you want from me, Ursula?!"
"You!" I scream. My eyes begin to sting as the deep agony within me demands to be released.
"What?" Triton almost whispered.
"It is you," I repeat. "I have always wanted you. I have tried now, for years to get you to see me. To truly see me. Yet it seems you rather abandon me, your father, your kingdom! All for a merwomen you found on a rock, singing to the sky..." I take a breath. "All I ever needed was you. I thought with this marriage, perhaps you would finally see me in a new light. Maybe then, you would be open to the idea of loving me."
"I am not done." I look at him and wait a moment to see if he dares interrupt me again. After a pregnant pause, I continue. "I was wrong. You will never love me. But there is one thing I will not allow you to do, and that is disrespect me in such a way. What if you were seen with her Triton?"
He stays silent as he stares back at me. He's moved his hands to his sides, clenched even still.
"Do you have any idea of the repercussions? It took your betrayal for me to finally see through the rose colored glasses I've been wearing since I first began to see you as a merman. Those lenses are all but shattered now. You act too much on emotion, Triton. It's your biggest downfall. You anger too quickly and now it seems you fall in love just as fast. Never with me though, of course. You'd never fall for a wretch like me! Is it the way I look?"
"No!" I scream at him, moving closer. "Is it the fact that I'm different than every other merwoman? Or maybe it's that you fear me?" I feel my power burning at my fingertips. The sting I had in my eyes starts to turn to a heat that burns with rage. "Is my power too much for you Triton?" I ask humbly. "Afraid I'll use it against you?"
He takes a small flinching movement back but I've caught the action just the same.
"Ursula, please—"
"'Please'? That's all you have to say? Ha!" I laugh. "I suppose wanting an apology would be a little too far fetched."
"What do you want me to do, Ursula?"
"Have you not been listening?!"
"I—I'm sorry—"
"Too late for apologies now Prince Triton."
I take a moment to pause as I look at him. A little disheveled, probably from being dragged back to his room after his measly attempt at fleeing. How could I have loved such a merman?
"You will marry me tomorrow. You are to remain committed to me—and I am not demanding that you love me. At this point I think asking for any affection from you will be futile. Maybe in time your mind will change. No matter, until then, I will be your wife, your princess, and someday soon I will be your queen. That merwoman? You will never see or speak to her again. That includes letters—"
"How did you—"
I cut him a glare, "I am very resourceful Triton. You've underestimated me all this time. No. More. I know everything and I will continue to know as now that you've caught my attention, you will never be out of my sights. You should have guessed that when I had my guards drag you back here—"
"Your guards? Have you forgotten who runs this kingdom? My father—"
"Your father does not have the power I have. Now does he? He hardly runs this kingdom. You wouldn't know though, would you? He rather host his lavish dinner parties and drink the nights away. While my mother makes all the decisions for the kingdom. She is the one truly behind the curtains, running the show and playing your father like a puppet. Thanks to your actions as of late, that will be your role too. So long as you listen to my words and what I ask for."
"Surly you cannot expect me to give in so easily?"
"Oh? No? Have you forgotten that among you being brought back here, my guards also carried your precious love away too?"
His face turns a ghostly white, "you wouldn't."
"There you go again. You really must stop underestimating me, my prince. Ignorance does not suit you. Though it has become quite a companion of yours, hasn't it?"
He does not move, nor speak, as I continue. "I won't hurt her, if that's why you're suddenly concerned. That is, as long as you don't step out of line again."
"Ursula, please, do not do this," he begs.
"Tsk tsk Triton. A little late for that, don't you think? You should know I do not make my threats lightly, so listen when I tell you, so long as you stay under my thumb, Athena will be fine... is that understood?"
He stays silent, staring at me in disbelief. "An answer would be wise to give, Prince Triton."
"Understood," he deadpanned.
"Excellent. That's all the business I have with you here then. I'll be on my way." I move to the exit, "oh and Triton? Don't even dare think about running to your daddy about this. I better see you at the altar tomorrow. I'll be the one in white."

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