Chapter 7 Kiss the Girl

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"I brought you something..." I tell her as I pull out a small harp.  It's made of shell and has a pearlescent shine to it. It was my mother's harp that was stowed away in a chest. My mother enjoyed listening to music and dancing. When she wasn't in her day room, weaving nets on a golden spindle.
Athena reminded me of her, in a way. My mother, Amphitrite, loved to dance. It's said that is what attracted my father to her. That he saw her dancing and claimed her as his. Much like how I feel my heart has been captured by this humble mermaid and her voice. I fear if given the chance, I would steal Athena away too. I would take her far away from here, give up my crown, if only just to hold her. I know I must control my desire to, for I am promised another.
Much to my dismay.
Ursula is not the worst choice. But she is not my choice. I did not have much of a choice in the matter. Ever since the announcement was made, I had been avoiding her. I've come to realize that Ursula has developed feelings for me that do not match my own. Her recent advances proved as much.
I could not outright refuse her but if she was never near me to make such requests... well, I call that a loophole.
Just as I would have guessed, our people were not so eager to hear the news. The gossip began quickly and soon spread across Atlantica. My only saving grace is that Athena has not heard the news. Never have I been more thankful.
As a means of avoiding any interaction with Ursula, I went perusing through my mother's old things, feigning looking for something. I don't know what I was looking for but when I saw the harp, I couldn't help but think Athena would love it. It's not as if it's getting any use sitting in a chest. Besides, I doubted anyone would notice, let alone care.
My mother wasn't caught dancing much anymore. I could tell my mother wasn't too keen about my father, Poseidon. She was always there in his shadow. Riding alongside him in his chariot and sitting beside him in any public capacity. But she was loyal and revered. I saw their marriage as a reflection of what I imagine Ursula's and mine would be. One that maintained standing by duty alone. They seemed to be doing well, they did create myself after all. Establishing Atlantica as an underwater kingdom after the change into merpeople.
I keep telling myself this. That my marriage to Ursula may be loveless but perhaps it will be strong and everlasting like my parents. A marriage built on duty and promise. It may not have begun the same way but I feel as though it will have the same middle and ending, whatever that may be.
"It's...beautiful," she looks into my eyes as she takes the harp and holds it against her chest. "Why would you get me something so wonderful?"
"I saw it and it made me think of you. You're always singing and I figured you might enjoy playing it while you sing." She looks at me in disbelief but the smile that accompanies it makes it all worthwhile.
I know I should not be up here. I should not be here with Athena most of all. I can't seem to stop myself from wanting to be in her presence.
We have met here every day for the past week and when I'm not here, I am thinking about being here. I lie awake at night wondering if she's thinking the same.
My father has been putting more pressure on me to help plan this wedding. My marriage to Ursula. The thought alone puts a pit at the bottom of my stomach. I can't imagine marrying Ursula now. Each day it gets worse. The more I see Athena, hear her laugh, see her smile, feel her touch, I slip closer and closer away from my duty.
I should marry Ursula. That's what I try to tell myself anyway. Sebastian has tried to reason with me but even he isn't convincing enough. I know he both despises and fears Ursula. He doesn't wish for me to marry her. He also doesn't want me to disobey my father any more.
Athena however.
She is wondrous. Beautiful, kind, thoughtful. She's everything I never knew I wanted. Nonetheless, she is now everything I crave. Her hair is long and vibrant. It shines in the sunlight and she radiates all that is good in the world.
She has told me when she is not here, she teaches children. She teaches them music and dance. She adores children and from the stories I hear, they adore her just as much if not more.
I fear that I may be falling in love with her. Harder than I have ever fallen before.
Every memory that she gives to me, every tale that she tells. I know I should cut ties while I still can. Yet, each day I find myself swimming back to this beautiful escape to the surface and each day I find her sitting here, singing to the sky. She tells me the song is called "Endless Sky" which is why she sings it to the heavens.
I've sat here many times now, just to watch and listen. And she sings and gives me small glances, granting me a shy smile. Each time the act causes my chest to tighten and my eyes to soften. She makes everything around her appear as if it has a new beauty. The rocks shine in the light, the salty air fresh as ever, and the sound of her voice mixing with the crash of waves and the shouts of birds flying above. I have never found a better place than in her presence.
"I can't wait to play it," she beams. "Thank you, Triton." She looks down at the harp in her hands and a stray hair falls from behind her ear.
Before I can catch myself, I find my hand pushing it back into place. She looked at me then and any control I thought I had, fled.
I lean into her, our eyes holding each other until we are close enough that I can feel her breath on my lips.
I close my eyes and pray that I find her lips with mine.
Not a moment later, I felt the soft press of her mouth against mine. I move my hand deeper into her hair, willing her for more.
As our kiss deepens, I feel a hand rest on my bare chest. I've never been filled with such raw emotions. My heart thumps loudly in my chest. My stomach fills with butterflies and anticipation. I never want this to end. I know I've just made possibly the biggest mistake of my life. I can't stop myself.
Before I can make any other bad decisions, I pull back. I see her bright green eyes looking back at me. The different flecks of green in her eyes make it all the harder to look away.
But I do.
"I'm sorry, I got a little too carried away," I apologized.
"Was... was it bad?"
I look back at her and see the confusion written on her face.
Gods of the Sea, she was beautiful. Even when her brows are pinched together and her lips are pulled tight.
"Depends on who you ask," I say.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if you ask my father, yes. Very bad. But if you ask me?" I grab her hands and hold them to my chest. "It was the worst thing we could possibly do."
The shock on her face appears fast but just as fast, I add, "because now..." I put a hand to her cheek and hold her hands still against my chest, with the other. "I could never have anyone else after that."
I knew it was foolish. I shouldn't say such things. And yet, I watch myself fall into her touch and kiss again and again. The waves that crash against the rocks grow more and more wild and mischievous as if it can sense the beating of my heart and throws waves in rhythm with each thud.
I cannot let her go now or ever and I am now faced with the reality of that.
I cannot marry Ursula. I will not.
Athena is the one who now holds my heart in her hands. I know with each kiss and feeling of her against me, I feel the truth of that.
I must do whatever it takes to be with her even if it takes standing against my father.
And worst of all... standing against the sea witch Ursula.

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