Downtime : Freezing Curiosity, Burning Preparations

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Heyo heyo, welcome to Downtime, basically this is like more casual stuff, no fighting, no fuss, there will be guaranteed one Downtime after each war

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Heyo heyo, welcome to Downtime, basically this is like more casual stuff, no fighting, no fuss, there will be guaranteed one Downtime after each war. Also sorry for not like uploading I've lost interest in TBZ for a while


Previously, The UEC went to battle with the Volt Union upon coming across a message sent to Captain, in the battle, the leader of the union, Voltmaster was defeated, ending the first war for The UEC. However, this was only the beginning, in the meantime, the UEC took a well deserved break.

The helicopters went back to HQ, many units were treating the wounded and just relieved that they survived the battle. Now we focus on Electricizer, the electrifying brains of the UEC helping Captain get to his office.

"Now Captain, take it easy. You took quite a beating there, especially with the electrical burns." Electricizer treated his wounds. "B-Burns? That explains the constant pain..." Captain clenched his cap due to the constant pain and Electricizer's treatment. 

After a bit, Electricizer was done bandaging and treating Captain. "Okay Captain, don't go touching exposed wires now, I've got some other things to do." Electricizer put on his goggles and left the office. Captain let out a sigh and decided to take a rest for the day, and so he snoozed.

Electricizer was outside of Captain's office, walking towards his own office. He waved at the other units in the HQ while looking at the wounded units with remorse. He sighed and continued his walk, but he was interrupted by a voice calling his name.

"Electricizer! Over here!" The Commanding Elite from the battle was waving at Electricizer, with a broken helmet and Freezer. "Oh! Big E what's up?" Electricizer walked to the Elite. "Uhm, I've been meaning to ask you about this lil' guy." Elite nudged Freezer. Freezer flinched but upon noticing Electricizer he instantly went to him for a hug. 

"Oof- Ow... Maybe a warning next time yeah?" Electricizer patted Freezer's head and focused back on the Elite. "So, what do you want to ask?" Electricizer proceeded to put Freezer on his back, a piggy back ride if you will. "Well, everything about the lil' guy I guess."

"Oh right, never really explained how I got them huh. Well let's just say, mistakes were made. However..." Electricizer patted Freezer's arms. "This time, it was just a happy little accident." Freezer giggled. "Hm, I guess I'll take that as an answer. Oh well, carry on then." The Elite walked away.

Electricizer continued to walk towards his office, but now with Freezer on his back. "Alright lil' guy, what should I call you? Because I like giving people nicknames haha." Freezer thought for a second and replied in a childish yet raspy voice. "Fre- Freeze..." Electricizer chuckled at the name. "That's a cute name, you can call me Elec but Electricizer will do." Freezer nodded.

Not long after, they both made it to Electricizer's office. The office building looks like your average building, green in colour with a metal door. Ontop of the door a sign stands that says 'Elec's House Of Horrors' with a drawing of an angry face on the side.

Freezer jumped off Elec's back and stood behind him. "It's alright little Freeze, it's only a sign." Elec entered while Freeze followed suit. Inside of Elec's office was many blueprints, scrap metal on the ground and in the middle of the room, a giant gun.

"Mind the mess, it's been a long week." He carefully made his way to his desk in the left corner of the room. Freeze looked around the office, staring at blueprints and random scrap metal on the floor, Freeze then asked Elec about something. "E... Elec! Can I ask you something?" Freeze fidget with their hands, seemingly nervous. "Hm? Yeah what's up lil' Freeze?" Electricizer kneeled down on the little bugger like an adult hearing out a child.

"Uhm- Why am I here?" Electricizer stood up and scratched his chin. "Well, like I said to Big E earlier, it was a happy little accident." Freeze was saddened by that. "Hey don't you worry Freeze, it won't affect my view on you as a person." He again patted Freeze's head. 

Freeze shook their head and asked Elec another question. "Why doesn't the green capped man like me?" They tilted their head to the left. "Ah- Well, Cap's a bit of a distrustful person. Hell, the only person he trusts is me and that's a big stretch, let alone you." 

Elec then proceeded to give Freeze a white scarf. Freeze inspected it and was confused. "What's this for???" Elec put on his goggles and started working on something. "Just a little gift, and a sort of a little badge to signify your joining to the UEC. Now, go and explore life lil' Freeze." Freeze looked at the scarf with awe and wore it.

Freeze cheered and left the office to explore the HQ of the UEC. "Hm, kid's got potential alright. Let's hope they'd be alright." He pulled out a blueprint with the name of 'The Death Cannon'. "Let's do this."

On the other side of the spectrum, we have The ISC....

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" Loud crashing and thuds emit from a giant door leading to Saber Champion and Ignitus' office. Outside, two Apparitions were standing, concerned on what the hell is going on inside. "Should we uhm, check inside?" One of them said to the other in an  echoey voice. "Are you crazy?! Saber Champion would kill us!" The other replied.

Inside however, it was a mess, books and other items were scattered across the floor with the only thing that is not wrecked is a chess table in the middle of the room, with Saber Champion standing and Ignitus sitting across from it. 

"Agh! Why do you always win!?" Saber Champion said furiously at Ignitus. Ignitus was sitting in a polite yet sassy manner, with his legs crossed and hands on his legs. "Slow and steady wins the race, they say." Saber Champion sat back on his sit, filled with rage. "One more game wise guy!" He slammed the table as he said that. "...No thanks. We must get to more important duties." Ignitus stood up and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the entire room started to glow and bright orange and the office miraculously went back to it's not wrecked state. He then walked up to a board with a paper that says 'Days Saber Champion didn't wreck the office', he then wrote a '0' at the bottom of it.

"NO FAIR! I WANT ANOTHER GAME!" Saber Champion pointed his sword at Ignitus. "...Saber, do remember who I am." He grabbed the sword at the blade and the blade started to melt upon being touched. "I am your boss. Do not let your title get to your head." He walked up to Saber Champion and looked down on him. "Because we both know who the real 'champion' here is. Understood?" 

Saber Champion then immediately took multiple steps back and instantly fixed his composure. "Y-yes. Sir." Ignitus was satisfied enough and walked towards the door. "Please focus on your work, this is our prime opportunity for an attack. I will provide you with anything you will need. I simply ask for you to use them to their fullest." He stretched his hand to the side and suddenly, some lava appeared from the floor, slowly materializing into his signature weapon. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will be in my study room." He dematerialized into lava and disappeared.

Saber Champion sat down on his desk, trying to steam off. He sighed and groaned. Suddenly a knock was heard from the door. "Uhm, Saber Champion sir? May we come in?" The two Apparitions from before said. "Yes! Come in!" The door opened. "Saber Champion sir, we have news to bring to you." They said. "Yeah yeah! You've said that everytime you come here. Spit it out." Saber Champion held his head, possibly from a headache. "We have a new ally." Saber Champion looked at them, curious on who would want to join the ISC.

Suddenly, a Mage came out from the door aswell. "Hello Saber Champion." The Mage said. And although Saber Champion has no face, he let out a sinister grin, upon knowing that The Mages are going to help them destroy the UEC. "Perfect."

To be continued....

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