Hard Mode : Wave 0 : Warm Up

320 7 4

Here we are again, in the ISC base of operations, specifically in the study room of Ignitus, in which he was doing a jigsaw puzzle

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Here we are again, in the ISC base of operations, specifically in the study room of Ignitus, in which he was doing a jigsaw puzzle. Multiple completed jigsaw puzzles hang from the walls in very decorated frames, he seems to have a bit of an interest in the craft you could say.

"Hm, now where does this piece go?" Said Ignitus, doing a jigsaw puzzle. The box of the jigsaw puzzle sat beside him, on the front of the box, it has the image of a Bliss of Finality. After a while, he a found where the piece goes. "Aha! I win once agai-" Suddenly he was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Oh great." He stood up and composed himself, trying to sell the 'no BS boss'.

"You may come in." He said in a monotone voice. Saber Champion opened the door, his posture was as straight as an arrow. "Sir, all of the units are ready for attack on the UEC. We await your approval to strike." Ignitus looked to the side and held his chin. "Hm. Not yet." Saber Champion was surprised by the response, losing his straight posture for a more normal posture. "B-But sir! Now is our chance! With Voltmaster dead they'll be defe-" Saber Champion stopped himself after Ignitus put his index finger over his 'mouth', if he even has one.

"Sit down. Help me with this puzzle." He said with a monotone voice, seemingly no emotion in his voice at all. "B-but-" Ignitus interrupted him. "That is an order. Now sit down." Saber Champion groaned and reluctantly sat down across from Ignitus, who was focused on the puzzle. Saber Champion however cannot sit still, with him looking around frantically and his legs moving constantly. "Calm yourself. Use this moment as a distraction from it." Ignitus put a puzzle piece on the puzzle. Saber Champion groaned again and looked over the puzzle. They both started to solve the puzzle, however none of them said anything through it all, making it extremely awkward.

After a bit, the puzzle was finished, showing an image of a Bliss of Finality travelling through space. "Hm." Ignitus put the puzzle in a frame that is decorated with blades. He put his arms behind his back and observed the puzzle, pleased with it. "Okay! Are we done now?" Saber Champion said, seemingly tired of waiting.

"Hm. It's time." Ignitus walked towards the door and opened it with Saber Champion following suit. They both walked across the hallway, hanging pictures of Saber Champion and the occasional statue of Ignitus were along the sides of the hallway. "So uhm, sir. My apologies for not telling you before, but The Mages decided to join us." Ignitus snickered. "Of course they would. They can't fight a human even with their magical prowess." 

They continued to walk until they reached a door. Ignitus however just stood infront of the door, just looking at the door, saying nothing. "Uhm, sir? Shouldn't we go in?" Ignitus dusted off his armor. "Yes." And so they opened the door, a bright light swept them both.

Behind the door was outside of the ISC's base of operations. Outside was an entirely lava covered planet, with meteors falling down from the sky with only a forcefield protecting the entire base from the barrage. The two were on a balcony with countless Invaders below them. Saber Champion readies a mic and places it in front of Ignitus. Ignitus clears his throat. "Greetings my subjects. As many of you know, the UEC is a threat to our kind. We, as The Intergalactic Solar Command, shall not stand for this. With the recent defeat of the Volt Union, I have decided that war is imminent. Even if we weren't the ones to strike, war is inevitable. So that's why I say this here and now." Suddenly, multiple giant spaceships appear from the skies. "Prepare yourselves. Remember, your efforts will not be in vain." He summoned his signature scythe and raised it into the sky. "I declare WAR on the UEC and all that oppose us!" The crowd cheered while the ships land on the lava covered planet.

The Invaders got on the ships. Ignitus stood on the balcony, looking upon the Invaders getting on the ships, preparing for war. Saber Champion was also about to go to the ships but noticed that Ignitus was just leaning on the railing of the balcony. "Sir! Are you not coming?" Ignitus stood up and walked to Saber Champion. "This is now your army to command. Many years of training has led you here. I want you to take control of this army. Prove your worth to me." 

Saber Champion nodded and went to jump off the balcony but he was interrupted. "Oh and Saber." Saber Champion looked back at Ignitus. "Good luck." He nodded and headed towards the ship. Ignitus however, just stood there looking upon the ships that were leaving the planet, he was now all alone. He sighed and went to his study room.

Meanwhile at the UEC HQ...

We focus on Elec and Freeze in a firing range. "Okay, Freeze! Open the garage door will you?" Freeze nodded and opened said garage door, revealing the thing Elec was working on yesterday. "Behold! The Experimental Death Cannon Freeze!" Freeze ran to Elec and looked at The Death Cannon. "Woah! Looks cool!" Freeze jumped up and down in excitement. Elec got on the platform of the death cannon and pressed some buttons. "Freeze! Stand back! Also cover your ears, this will be really loud!" He put on his goggles while Freeze climbed up to the platform and covered their ears. Across from them is a small target dummy, resembling an Invader.

"On you mark.... Get set...." The giant cannon charged up, emitting a yellow glow. "GO!" The both of them shouted while Elec pressed the button to shoot. Within an instant, the cannon shot out a gigantic lightning bolt at the dummy, creating a small crater and the dummy was completely annihilated. The both of them high fived eachother but the fun was going to an end because Captain bursts in the firing range with a lot of other units behind him. "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE!?" Captain exclaimed. Freeze and Elec were taken off guard by the sudden intrusion. "Oh- Hi Cap we were just uh... 'Testing' some stuff haha..." Captain looked at the gigantic cannon and then looked at the crater that was made. "I- Wha- You never thought to tell me about THIS?!"

Elec and Freeze just laughed awkwardly. Captain sighed and pointed at the two of them. "You two, cleaning duty for a month." The two of them protested upon hearing this blasphemy. "That is an order. Dismissed." Captain left the firing range with the rest of the units following suit but some stayed to look at the death cannon. Freeze and Elec sighed and left the firing range aswell.

To Be Continued.....


Ignitus entered Saber Champion's office to check something, but when he got inside, the entire office was wrecked, again. "THIRTY MINUTES SABER CHAMPION! THIRTY MINUTES!" He exclaimed.

Headcanon fact: Ignitus likes puzzles

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