Hidden Betrayals and Obvious Lies

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There wasn't practically a moment that I didn't spend with Jaime since the day of our wedding. My chamber was further away from the main part of the Red Keep, in one of the towers, which meant that there were rarely any visitors, or anybody really. There were no unwanted eyes, or ears that would somehow find out our little secret. It was perfect.

At least for those few days. The night before the wedding, I could feel the tensions begin to rise. Not only in the servants who were scrambling to put everything together, and finish the last of the preparations. Not just in my mother, and brother. But also Jaime. I could tell he was tense, and there was a crease between his eyebrows that would just not leave, no matter how much I tried. 

It all came to a crashing end the night before the wedding. I had been told just moments before by a servant that my husband to be had arrived and was in his chambers. I had no inclination to go visit him, and at such a late hour, so I just nodded, said my thanks, and went back to my vanity table.

It wouldn't be long until Jaime was off his duty, and he would be able to join me in our bed. It was still weird to think of, ours. These chambers would not be ours for much longer after the wedding. But my Mother had told me that Father had decided that two King's Guards would accompany me to Winterfell, and one would stay constantly with me there, while the other returned. Every fourth fortnight, the King's Guard would change, so I knew that even if Jaime were to come, it would not be for long. But he assured me that all he needed was a year or two, just to make everything possible. 

I believed him. How could I not?

The door opened suddenly, making me jump in my seat, but I relaxed immediately when I saw it was only Jaime. He still had his armor on, and I could see how tired he was. I didn't think that standing all day in the armor was going to be easy, but I knew that giving it a few years, and he wouldn't have to any longer. Then all he had to do was protect me. 

"Everything alright?", I asked, smiling at him as he closed the door quietly, and turned around to start taking off his armor. I stood and went over to help him untie the strings and such.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?", asked Jaime in return, and leaned in to give me a quick kiss. It was sweet and soft, but quick. I couldn't wait until he was completely undressed and we had no worries for the rest of the night.

"You seem a little out of breath", I replied, shrugging my shoulders and untied the last of the strings of his breast plate, and he caught it with his hands as it fell towards the ground.

"Well you know, I just had to escort my wife's future husband to his chambers", Jaime replied noncommittally as he stood and walked over to one of the tables on the side where the water was. I sighed, and rubbed the side of my arm.

"Are you going to go and say hello to him and his family?", asked Jaime, raising his eyebrows at me. I furrowed mine just a little.

"Why would I?", I asked, now curious, rather than offended by his tone.

"Well it's only proper from the Princess and bride", replied Jaime, and his noncommittal tone made it sound like he was accusing me of something.

"I'll say hello to him tomorrow. It's already late. Besides I don't want to leave you when you are like this", I said in response, and moved back to the vanity table, and continued brushing my hair. Jaime didn't say anything for a moment.

"I thought tomorrow was the reason for the way you've been acting lately. I know it's on your mind", I continued, wanting to get to the root of the issue.

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