This Isn't Happiness

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Third Person 


Viserya never truly understood why Tourneys were so well liked, and used for any celebration, whether it be name days, weddings, winning a war, celebrating a new reign, or just because somebody felt like it. It was full of aggression, and violence. Many of the Knights died during the Joust. All of them young, and with ambitions that they would never be able to fulfill.

It was disheartening for her to watch as men fell off their horses, and she heard their bones crunching when they made contact with the hard ground. It was a hard sight to see, but the guests seemed to enjoy it, and who was she to deny this?

It was their world, the world of Great Houses, strong Knights, and beautiful Ladies with dreams to marry the Prince. Viserya was just living here. She understood that the people did not attend the Tourney because it was their name day, they attended rather because of their own curiosity. And for the fun of it of course. They wanted to see the Targaryen King, and the Crown Prince, and the fragile little Princess that was hidden away.

The Tourney was to celebrate Princess Viserya's name day, and the Joust was to defend her honor. Whoever won it would also have a crown of winter roses to lay on their beloved's lap, or hers if they happened to be unmarried and a Knight.

It was after the melee was won, by Lord Robert Baratheon of course, when the first break of the day was. The servants had to prepare everything for the Joust, the true celebration of the celebration, and it would take some time. While others dispersed to the castle, or the gardens, or their own chambers, the Knights stayed behind to prepare for the Joust. Clean their armor, saddle their horses just right, and stretch their strong muscles. None of them truly understood how dangerous jousting was.

Viserya walked past them all, nodding her head in acknowledgment to them. She had decided that a walk would be good for her, especially since the Gardens are filled with Ladies watching her every move and whispering about her every action. And while having the Knights staring at her, and eye her hungrily was not the pleasant of things, she would rather have that, than a flock of frightened hens following her around.

It was then when she saw the atrocity. Three large squires beating a smaller boy, who was curled on the ground, holding his head protectively. Not a moment later, Viserya heard a shout from behind her and Lady Lyanna stood angrily. Lyanna unsheathed a rather short sword, and quickly approached the gang.

"That's my Father's man you're kicking!", yelled Lyanna and began to block the squire's sword hits at the young man, successfully kicking the squired down to the dirt. They had stopped kicking, and as they looked up, not only did they see a Highborn lady, but they also saw the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms.

She looked like a true she-wolf in that moment, at least to Viserya. And in that moment, Viserya knew that she could never be as strong, and as powerful as Lyanna was, just by her mere presence. 

Ser Barristan made a move to unsheathe his sword to help Lady Lyanna, and to bring the squires to their knees but Viserya stopped him with her hand. She silently told Ser Barristan to let Lady Stark handle it.

When the three squires were finally on the ground, bloodied and bruised themselves, Viserya took a step out of the shadows she had been hidden by, and Ser Barristan followed her close by.

As Lyanna was helped the young man stand, she noticed the approaching Princess, and bowed her head, which the young man copied a moment later. However, Viserya put up her hand to stop them, and looked down upon the squires.

"They had been bullying Lord Howland, your Grace. He is my father's man. I deemed it necessary to intervene", explained Lady Stark and Viserya turned to look at Ser Barristan.

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