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We walked down the path, the trees blowing in the wind creating soft whispers, I took a deep breath in the cold autumn air. The dead leaves crunching beneath my feet. It was nice and quiet...

"This is soooo nice" bellemere said...

I sighed and hummed, "so whats your plan for philos birthday?" She asked as we walked, I sighed once more and looked up to the trees.

"Im not sure, I know he doesn't have many friends at school. Throwing a birthday party with hardly anyone there seems alittle... sad... ill probably just take him out for lunch and give him the skateboard he's been wanting" I replied thoughtfully. Bellemere nodded, "he sure is an easy kid, I cant tell you how many times Nami has stolen things and beat up the other kids" bellemere complained.

"I mean she even hit Philo, you're lucky your nephew is so nice. His little heart of gold" she said with cuteness. "Yeah its sweet Philo understood Nami so well, you can bring her with us for his birthday, well all go out for lunch at ol' zeffs restaurant." I replied happily.

"Yeah yeah, Nami told me about that sanji kid, he's a hassle when it comes to girls but he takes alot of pride in Zeff. Always talking about the restaurant. I heard he hit that zoro kid for not finishing his food" bellemere spoke as she walked beside me.

"Yeah Philo told me about that, he saw them in the nurses office all beat up when going to his class" I responded. "Bet your so happy your kid doesn't fight" she replied, I chuckled softly and smiled.

"Thats because no one will fight him, he's a soft kid sure but if you get on his bad side that's a whole other story. I've taught him well enough. Don't you remember when I had to go in because he beat up one of the kids the other year? No one has bullied him since..." I said alittle proud but alittle nervous. Bellemere laughed alittle, "yeah I remember, though id be careful. That new kid looks alittle scary. If he gets in a fight with Philo I wouldn't be so sure how it would play out" she replied alittle sincere. I sighed.

"Yeah yeah im sure it will be fine, Philo is pretty empathetic you know thi-.."

"Y/N! Look that's the guy, thats the new guy!" Bellemere whisper shouted at me pointing discreetly to the man sat on the bench on his phone. A Tall Broad man with short blonde hair wearing a crimson hooded hat, his dark eyes decorated on one side with a dark blue eyeliner pattern and his lips painted crimson like his hat. He wore blue jeans and a yellow striped sweater. Bellemere was right when she said he was quirky.

Though... he was quite attractive...

"Hey you!!!!" She shouted to the man as she walked over, I was deadpanned... I sighed and followed behind her quietly. The man looked up from his seat to be met by bellemeres wide grin.

"Youre the father of the new Kid at the school right?" She asked as she stood there almost glaring at him in a... Good way...

He sat there quiet for a moment before clearing his throat "His... dad yeah... Im Rosinante" he spoke deeply as he offered his hand to bellemere with a short smile, she shook his hand and grinned. "Youre the ginger girls mother right?" He asked her curiously, she sighed and nodded "yep.. that little handful Nami is my girl. I'm her step mom" she said happily as she sat down beside the man.

"Oh this is y/n she's the mom of Philo. He goes to the school too" bellemere introduced me to the man, I quickly blushed embarrassed and looked away.

"Hes.. my nephew.. im his adoptive.. care... Dependant" I spoke alittle anxious. Rosinante smiled softly and sighed. "I know how you feel, I get all flustered when I'm addressed as Laws Father, im his adoptive care dependant too." He responded empathetically, I looked at him alittle surprised but then smiled gently. "Yeah.."

The New Kid (Rosinante (Corazon) X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now