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"He was really rude calling him a freak, it just... really angered me" Philo said as we walked home.

"Once he hit me I wasn't gonna stand there" Law joined in sounding alot happier than usual.

"And when I tried to stop it and that other guy joined in I wasn't gonna take it." Philo continued.

"In the end we won so its all good, they won't be saying anything to me again those bastards" Law spoke proud. Rosinante tensed alittle at Laws language infront of us, but I just laughed it off.

"You boys are pretty strong. I dont think they'll mess with you two either. I'm glad you had eachothers backs" I replied happily.

Rosinante calmed alittle offering me a smile. "So are me and Cora-san coming over for food?" Law asked curiously.

"Yeah you are! I have some cool games too if you wanna play" Philo spoke cheerfully, Law nodded.

"Sounds like they're really getting along" Rosi whispered to me happily, I smiled at him and nodded. "Its nice to see them both happy" I replied which Rosi Agreed.

Once we reached the gate to my house, Philo held it open for me, I got my keys out and unlocked the door. Letting everyone enter.

I was pretty nervous... we haven't had guests over like this in a long long time... last time we cooked dinner for anyone other than bellemere and Nami was when my Ex decided to break up with me 3 years ago. Never again.... until now.

"Your house is really nice" Rosinante commented as he sat down on the couch, I followed. "Oh thanks..." I replied shyly. Rosinante smiled soft as he watched Law and Philo interact.

"Well considering you guys are early due to the events from earlier, you two kids can do whatever, in the meantime ill get to cooking dinner!!" I said happily as I stood up and entered the kitchen getting out the food planned for later this evening. never too early for food.

"Do you need any help?" Rosinante called as he walked into the kitchen. I gasped alittle at his sudden entrance.

"Oh no no don't worry, you're the guest" I said nervously. He hummed and walked over inspecting the food.

"If you don't let me help ill just do it myself, and you get what you get" he spoke referring to my comment made at the cafe days prior, I smiled that he'd remember such an interaction.

Sighing I passed him some vegetables "fine, you cut these" I spoke alittle playful with a soft smile, which he returned then took the vegetables and began to cut them on the counter to the left of me while I took the right counter. He quickly managed to cut his finger and I patched him up quickly.

After that it was okay for a while before the awkward silence sank in. I sighed and walked over to the radio turning it on. I heard Rosinante chuckle alittle which sent a blush of embarrassment to cross my cheeks.

"Is my awkward silence too much for you?" He asked jokingly as he glanced over meeting my eyes, I Iaughed softly and shook my head. "Im just not used to company" I replied just as playful.

He hummed, "im not used to company either" he said as he cut the food. I glanced at him. "Well we can learn together" I responded softly.



"Boys dinner is ready!" I shouted up to the young ones.

I heard a call back and alot of foot steps as the kids came down stairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing rosinante taking out the food from the oven. A small blush swept my features as I watched the man. Then of course he dropped it... I quickly ran over with a towel to grab the food before it'd hit the floor. A few spilled but I managed to slavage majority. The blonde forgot to wear oven mits when handling the tray. I placed the tray on the oven and quickly grabbed his hands and ran them under the cold tap, i was a little panicked but he didn't seem phased.

He watched me closely as I held his hands beneath the tap. "Are you alright?" I asked him worried, he smiled... The soft painted smile that he had was heart warming.

"Im fine, it happens all the time so my hands are just used to it" he spoke trying to reassure me, I sighed and smiled at the man. "All the time?!?! Thats doesn't make me feel better, plus you jumped... clearly meant you're hurt."

Rosinante glanced at me and caught me looking at him with a stern look, a blush swept his face noticing my concern. He grinned and chuckled alittle. "Well it still hurt y/n. Not now though" he said watching me with a soft smile.

"Gee if you're going to flirt can you do it somewhere else. I want eat food not throw up" Law complained as he walked in and took a seat at the table, Rosi flinched at his words growing alittle embarrassed.

"Dont be mean Law, I think its nice. Y/n hasn't flirted with anyone in years." Philo added as he sat at the table too, I gasped alittle also growing embarrassed, Rosinate chuckled.

"I burned my hands, shes just helping me Law" Rosi spoke to the ravenette. Law sighed and hummed.

"Do you hurt yourself alot Cora-san?" Philo asked the blonde man, he smiled taking his hands out from the tap offering me a sweet nod as he began plating the food that as growing cold by the second.

"Yeah I do, just naturally clumsy" he spoke happily putting the plates on the table, and the young ones began to eat up.

"Sometimes I feel I'm taking care of him than him, me", Law said while stuffing his face. Philo nodded in agreement.

"Hmm maybe if y/n and cora flirt, and get together and it doesn't end in disaster like all the other times, y/n can help take care of cora for you" Philo explained to the ravenette.

I face palmed as I took as seat at the table... completely shocked at these kids commentary. I heard quiet laughs from Rosinante which just made it worse. Not only is my nephew trying to hook us up, hes also outing my dating history and how awful it is.

"Dont worry y/n, kids be kids." Rosinante said as he leaned in closer to me, close enough out faces were inches apart, then he whispered into my ear.

"Im sure you can embarrass Philo on his birthday" Rosi moved away from me with a soft smile. I smiled back.

"I told you to flirt somewhere else im eating" Law grumbled. Rosinante huffed and sat beside me, leaving the two kids on the other side of the table. Law glaring across at Rosi.

"He was talking about Philos birthday, its in a few weeks. Law would you like to join us to celebrate?" I asked the small boy, he sighed and peered at Philo who had a cheesy grin on his face then he turned back to me.

"Do I have to?" He inquired, Rosi sighed.

"Yeah you do" the blonde replied catching a glare from Law once more. "Fine..." he spoke quietly alittle nervous.

"Great apparently y/n is taking us out for dinner somewhere so I cant wait" Philo cheered as he ate his food.

"If anything im just glad Philo has a friend" I spoke to Law softly, the boy hummed giving me a gentle look before turning to Philo. You could see the empathy in his eyes.

"You guys should come round more often, we have a spare room!" Philo cheered.

"Oh god Philo can't we just enjoy the moment" i squeaked out. Rosinante chuckled.


"You boys do you, im going to the bathroom." I spoke standing up offering the boys a gently smile before exiting.

What the hell is going on, I've known this guy for 4 days and he's already just so... so...

Bellemere is right.

This guy is so peculiar.

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