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I held in my nerves as me and Philo walked behind Rosinante and Law, why did we have to walk the same way.. we walked down the road, which was a short walk for me and Philo as we lived on said street. But awkward considering how law acted earlier.

As we walked I caught Law look over and glare alittle at Philo which he returned with a smile. I sighed... maybe Philo is too nice for his own good...

I saw Law saying something to Rosinante which caused him to turn his head and look over... I was crying inside. Rosinante looked alittle nervous too, he gave me a short smile before... tripping over... right onto his back.

"Get up" law said and the blonde man stood up and brushed himself off, his face red from embarrassment. "Are you okay Laws dad?" Philo asked looking up at the male, "Hes not my dad" Law commented through his teeth, but Philo didn't give him attention.

Rosinante smiled and nodded, "im alright Philo don't worry, just call me Cora" He replied scratching his head alittle where he hit it off the floor.

"Are you sure?" I asked the male, he just smiled. "He does it all the time hes a clutz" Law complained, Rosinante sighed.

"Im fine, dont worry" he spoke as he began to walk again. I hummed "okay thats good".

Once we arrived at the gate of our house, Philo said goodbye and I waved, Rosinante offered a sweet smile and Law offered... a Death Glare.

Once we got inside... I sighed as I slouched into the couch.. "that was alot..." I whispered to myself.

"Y/n can we have chicken tonight?" Philo asked, I smiled and nodded. "Yeah we can, do you have any homework?" I asked and he nodded, taking the work out of his bag and placing in on the coffee table, I pulled down a pillow and sat on the floor looking through the work.

"Once we've done this I'll get started on supper, you can play some games" I said to the boy he nodded and got his pencil case out, pulling out his favourite pen.

"Lets do this!!"


After we finished his homework and I had made supper, I couldn't help but think about Rosinante. He was such a sweet guy from his first impression, with a kind heart. I wonder if he's a single father... jdjsshw what am I thinking...

I mean... if he is thats an achievement considering how stressful Law seems to be, I trust Philo with his opinion of the boy, plus it seems hes been through alot of hardships.

Rosinante must be really head strong...

"Laws dad is nice" Philo said as if he could read my mind, I was surprised at his sudden comment and jumped alittle, he just stared at me with an innocent smile.

"Y-yeah he is" I replied to the young boy, he ate his food, "Law is nice too. But he doesn't show it much, I know he is though" he commented. I hummed.

"Can we invite them over for supper some time?" He asked me, I looked at the boy alittle shocked... "oh uhm yeah of course" was all I could say in response. Philo grinned and stuffed his face with the meal.

"Ill ask Law tomorrow if he wants to be friends" Philo said confidently. I was quite surprised the boy was so forward about making a friend, since he doesn't really have any and refused to make any for so long its alittle strange for him to be so welcoming.

I guess there's something about Law that Philo enjoys. Maybe he's just as mysterious as Rosinante and Philo is as curious as me.

"Im sure it will be eventful just don't push any boundaries" I replied nicely, Philo nodded finishing up his food.

"Im gonna go on the console now" he said walking off, "remember to be in bed by 9!" I shouted after him as he ran up the stairs... I sighed...

A soft smile lacing my lips, he wants to make a friend, maybe we'll have more people attending his birthday.


I walked up stairs into the young boys room, seeing him tucked in bed, the lights off. The console off, how did i end up with such a responsible child. I must be doing something right as a parent, I never thought I'd be a parent so young, at the age of 20 I adopted Philo. He wouldn't talk much at first but over the past 5 years he's became such a wonderful kind hearted kid.

I walked over turning off the lamp he had accidentally left on, and closing the curtains.
His soft snores filling the quite room. I walked out closing the door and heading to my room. I sighed as I shut my door.

Taking a deep breath I stripped off getting into my night dress and sliding into bed... closing my eyes... drifting away... into the night...

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