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"You ready?" Asked Philo from outside my bedroom door, I took a deep breath before opening the door, "yeah" I replied with a soft smile. Philo smiled back happily.

"Its nice youre going out again, I thought you were gonna be single forever" Philo commented as we walked down the hallway, I gasped and nudged the boy, "you idiot, I just... you're my first priority plus no ones ever really peeked my interest" I spoke nervously. Philo chuckled and he went first down the stairs. "Well I really like Cora-san so I hope it goes well".

I sighed... "whats up?" He asked me as he stopped on the stairs and peered at me, I offering him a gentle smile. "Just gonna miss you" I said patting his head, "gee y/n youre only gonna be gone for a few hours" he said as he carried on walking.

When we arrived into the living room I saw Rosinante sat there waiting pateintly. I smiled softly at the man "sorry for taking so long... im just not used to.. getting ready like this" I said, Rosi just stared at me quietly.

"Well their shes ready go on, leave" Law said shooing Rosi away, he stood up and sighed.

"Alright ill see you later" Rosi spoke to the ravenette before walking past me and to the door offering me a sweet smile as he held it open for me. I quickly ran to Philo giving him a hug and then Law who's face was in pure shock and hesitation. "Gonna miss you boys, dont make a mess" I said to them before I exited the house and waited for Rosi to catch up, he offered me his hand for me to hold as we walked down the street.

"You look nice" he spoke quietly, I glanced at the man and then to the floor, a soft blush spreading across my cheeks... "oh.. thanks, you do too" I replied anxiously. "I mean.. you always do" he quickly commented and I giggled.

Rosinante sighed with a smile, it was a long quiet walk to the restraunt, once we got their we took our seats and began to order. After all the basics were done, Rosinante sat staring at me intently, he was clearly hesitating thinking of something to talk about. "So, well.." he started, I smiled and took a sip of my drink. "This is nice" he spoke quietly, I glanced at him. He had a warm smile decorating his face.

"Yeah it is... its very strange though. I havent done this in years" I replied alittle nervous, Rosi nodded "yeah I know how you feel. Honestly I've never really had time for relationships with my job. But now I have alot more time on my hands so I thought it would be a good change" he spoke in thought. I hummed and raised a brow at the male, "what is your job Rosi?" I asked curiously, he sighed a frown etching on his features. "I was a cop for a while and then i worked for my brother, but I gave all that up for Law. Best decision I made" he replied a soft smile resurfacing. I nodded. "That sounds like a lot. Id never of painted you to be a cop Rosi. But im glad you're who you are now. Or I'd never of known you" I replied gazing at him warmly. He sighed and smiled.

"Yeah I wouldn't have it any other way. What about you y/n?" He asked. I hesitated "oh well. I used to be a nurse. It was a short lived career, once I got custody of Philo, I also got all my brothers buissnesses and savings. I put that towards getting a stable home for me and Philo. So now I'm just a house mom... I guess..." I spoke alittle embarrassed. Rosi smiled at me, "I think thats a kind choice. Don't feel like that's not enough" he spoke, clearly knowing how I felt about it.... his face slowly grew nervous. He was looking out the window, "whats up?" I asked as I went to turn to see what he was looking at, he quickly cupped my cheek and kept me facing him. Before he sighed taking my hand dragging me away, the door to the restraunt was on the other side of the place, he got to the door and took a quick glance to see if it was safe. "Rosi, whats going on?" I asked concerned. He looked at me with a frown on his face. "Please trust me for now, ill tell you later" he spoke serious, I nodded at a loss for words.

He quickly pulled me out of the restraunt and we began jogging down the sidewalk, my heart was beating rapidly. His secretive behaviour was very disconcerting, it was nothing like I'd seen before. He pulled me into an alley and checked where we came from before turning to me and embracing me. "Im sorry that this is the way its going. I really didn't expect for this to happen..." he spoke with a depressing voice, he was clearly upset. "Its okay, whatever or whoever is chasing you. I'm with you all the way" I replied, he looked at me surprised. "What" he said and I sighed "its pretty clear you're running away from someone. Mind telling me who?" I asked, Rosi sighed.


"My brother" he replied, I stayed quiet... "him and his family are after us. They're not good people, thats why I got custody of Law and brought him here to get away from all that. I didnt want him to live that life" he spoke quietly, him clearly being really genuine. I sighed and cupped his face. "Okay. What do these people look like?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment. He looked around and his eyes widened, "thats them" he spoke, I peaked my head around the corner and saw a small group of people walking this way. I sighed and nodded taking his hand and pulling him through the alley, "I know these streets like that back of my hand, so now you trust me to get us out of here" I replied with a smile, Rosi was taken back by how calm I was, his monotone face etching no emotion, he nodded and stayed silent.

I lead us through the back streets, taking the bridge route, going up the stairs to the blue metal bridge that crossed the street, from their we could keep an eye out incase anyone was following us. But no sign of anyone. "You know Rosi, when I wanted to go on a date, I didnt really picture it being this eventful" I joked to relax the tension abit, he sighed not feeling the joke too much, I was alittle worried so I did what I thought would lighten the mood. "hey there..." I said turning my attention to him, I stopped walking and cupped his face bringing him down, my lips pressed against his gently as my hands combed through his golden hair, once I pulled back he was staring at in in awe. "I like you, quite alot actually... I dont care what kinda family problems you have. I... I wanna be with you, I wanna try this out and see where we go. Dont think anything will change that." I reassured the man, he smiled softly and cupped my cheek pulling me into a rough kiss, one that seemed like he'd been holding in for a while. I kissed back just as energetic. His hand explored my curves as I melted into his touch. Once he pulled away our eyes pierced into eachother for a while, so deep and caring. "Youre a wonderful woman y/n" he spoke, I giggled and he took my hand taking a quick look around to make sure we were clear before we began walking again.

"We should probably get home to the kids, i think a family dinner would be nice" i said to the blonde he sighed and smiled. "Sorry about that, but yeah a family dinner sounds great." He replied with a soft tone, I smiled gently.... right before he tripped over his own feet and pulled me down with him, he quickly turned onto his back to protect me. Me landing on his chest, I looked at him with worry but he just watched me so warm and caring I couldn't help but smile. "Youre such a clumsy man, but a very loveable clumsy man" I spoke to him. He chuckled and held my waist pulling me closer, I pecked his lips and gave him a quick hug before standing up, he got up too and took my hand.

"So you love me?" He asked, a quick blush swept my face and I began to stutter, he laughed and kissed my forehead "im just messing. I mean after I tell you about my brother I don't even know if you'll like me anymore" he frowned, I sighed and poked him. "You idiot, I wouldn't do that" I replied he sighed and smiled softly at me "youre too good for me" he spoke gently.

"Youre too good for me too Rosi"

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