Trouble With Belos

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Hunter's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around at where I was, and then I remembered that I had fell asleep with Edric on the couch after our date. I looked over to see Edric still asleep and then I checked my watch to see that it was already 6 am. I slowly got up from where I was as to not wake up Edric, but I wasn't successful because the next thing I knew was that Edric was awake, "Good morning handsome." I smiled as I stood up, "Good morning, I have to go, Belos is probably looking for me by now." I said as I leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead.

He pouted, it was cute but it wasn't going to make me stay here when I was already in deep trouble with Belos by now. "Why cant you just stay and cuddle with me?" "I would love to but I cant, Belos is already mad at me and now he's probably even more furious that I wasn't home last night." Edric sighed and said "Ok, but can I at least have a proper kiss goodbye?" I smiled and leaned over to him again and gave him a kiss, it still felt as magical as yesterday. "Ok, I have to go now, bye." I said as I walked out the door and made my way back to the castle.

Once I arrived at the castle I tried my hardest to sneak back up to my room without anyone noticing, unfortunately Kikimora likes to get an early start, "Hunter? What is this? Sneaking back in I see? Oh no your uncle would be very disappointed in you for sure." I scoffed and turned around to look at her, "Well, uncle isn't going to find out now is he?" She smirked and said "Oh, that reminds me, he actually wants to see you, right now." Well it was bound to happen sooner or later, I just hoped it was later.

I walked away from her and made my way into my uncles throne room, when I walked in I saw Belos sitting there staring at me as I walked in, I kneeled down in front of him, "Sir, you requested to see me?" "Yes, Hunter where have you been? I had Kikimora check your room last night and you weren't there, and now your sneaking back in?" I stared at the floor trying to come up with an excuse, "I-I'm sorry. I was out all night searching for pailsman and after a long night of searching I couldn't find anything so I came back."

Belos stood up and walked up to me, "Are you sure that's what you were out doing?" "Y-yes sir." He pointed his staff at me and put it under my chin to lift my head up so that I was looking at him, "You know what happens if your not telling the truth." I looked at him trying to hide the fear in my eyes. "I am telling the truth, I promise." {TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of child abuse} "NO YOUR NOT! NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU REALLY WHERE!" I braced myself for what would come next, because I was certainly not going to tell him what I was doing, it would put Edric in danger and I cant do that to him.

I didn't answer him, instead I sat there ready to take on whatever he had for me. The next thing I knew Belos took his staff and swung it across towards my face, I ducked out the way in time before it did any really damage to me, just another cut on my face but it was better than the other times. I sat there breathing heavily and holding onto my cheek where he had cut me. "GO TO YOUR ROOM! NOW!" I quickly got up and walked as fast as I could out of there and up to my room.

When I got into my room I closed the door, locking it and then grabbed my first aid kit that I keep in here for these times. I cleaned up the cut on my face and put a bandage over it and then I took a seat on my bed as Flapjack came to sit on my shoulder. Flapjack tweeted as if to say 'What happened?' To which I replied to him saying "It's nothing Flapjack, don't worry, I'm fine." Flapjack hopped off of my shoulder and onto my side table as I laid back onto my bed letting sleep overtake me again, might as well if I'm going to be stuck in here for the next few hours.

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