Part 1

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The spring scent filled y/n's nose as they breathed in the views of sea everywhere around them. In the distance, there were a few landforms with bubbles floating near them. As they rowed closer and closer to the landforms,  there were bubbles of every colour with their beautiful, clear spherical reflections. Eventually they reached a beach area with unagi and with some cliffs. There was a skeleton of a powerful sea beast lying there, and a lass quietly sitting on a rock. 

y/n put their oars down- they were carefully crafted out of the finest aralia wood. They had patterns of vines and flowers on them, and a single peacock feather.

They got down off their seat on the small boat and started walking to the cliff to climb up it. On the way, they stopped to see the young woman on the rock.

"Hello. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine,"

"You do look a bit sad. Is the departed sea beast your friend?"

"...Yes, it was. I am really sorry to bother you, but can I please have some sakura petals to give as an offering to the gods?"

"I picked lots. here, you can have some, " y/n smiled.

"Thank you very much," the girl said.

y/n waved and walked off to climb up the brown cliffs.  They looked to the Statue of the Seven for blessings, and traipsed off to travel. 

"Wow, everything is so colourful, and the waterfall looks very tall." They gasped, standing on top of Mouun Shrine. They descended and started rummaging to find treasure. 

A few nobushi samurai were sitting and talking nonsense. y/n - who heard them - started striding slowly and stealthily towards them. As they got closer, they could start to make out a decorative, gold-lined treasure chest with its sparking bright red seal. 

Excited, they unsheathed their weapon and dashed out to attack. Their v/e vision glowed in the sun's light as they lashed out their elemental burst. The humans lost significant amounts of health points. 

y/n sprinted towards them with a large attack and attempted to finish them off. But they could still sense an enemy. 

There was a sharp sound, and y/n turned to see a fiery Kairagi with full health, and a lot of it at that!

His sword ignited with Pyro element and was about to hit y/n, but luckily they bridged down to dodge and it missed by an inch. They tried to strategise their counter attack, but they realised there was no time and leapt for the Kairagi and unleashed their elemental skill twice. By the time passed, y/n's burst had charged up, and they activated it with a battle roar. With their charged weapon, they pierced into the monster's heart. He groaned and turned into dust.

y/n panted with exhaustion and relief. They stumbled forwards to open the treasure chest with the key the Kairagi had dropped, and put all the assorted objects such as hero's wit, artifacts and vegetables and money into their bag. Then they sat down to rest.

They looked towards a blue snaking light that emanated from a seemingly deep lake, and above it a shelled cliff with a grand shrine-looking building. Out of the corner of their eye, they could see a lady dressed in colours representing the colours of the island's core and a light brown-haired person with dark teal armour, a geo vision and a bow talking to red people with spears.

They felt compelled to go and see what they were up to, but they didn't know why. So they changed their plans and started to stet off for the 'shell shrine'. 

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