hanging out

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After they celebrated kagami asked "so what do you want to do?"

"We could go on a double date" Marinette suggested.

"Wait a double date" kagami said confused.

"Yeah you and me and-" Marinette started to explain.

"You're dating?" Kagami blurted out.

"We're trying to keep it a secret" Luka said.

"And failing at it" Adrian added

"Okay, your secret's safe with me" kagami said.

"So what should we do" Luka asked.

"I think the ice skating rink is open" kagami suggested.

They all agreed it sounded like fun. Kagami ended up paying for Marinette after some convincing, and Adrian payed for Luka after little to no convincing. They place was almost empty at the time they got there it was perfect for them.

"I don't know how to ice-skate" Marinette admitted.

"I do, I could teach you" kagami said excitedly.

Kagami and Marinette went on the ice with Marinette hanging on Kagami's arm.

"Do you like to ice skate?" Luka asked Adrian while lacing up his skates.

"Well I don't do it often but it's fun when I get to"

They walked to the ice and started skating. They held hands as they moved along the ice.

"Hey, thanks for everything you've done" Adrian said to Luka

"Don't worry about it I didn't do anything special" Luka waved it off.

"No you've done everything. It's like you know what to say and it's nice to have someone to always support you. I'm glad you wanted to be my boyfriend" Adrian stopped forcing Luka to stop as well.

"Like I said I didn't do anything special many people would want to date you I just got lucky" Luka smiled.

Adrian kissed Luka on the cheek "still thank you"

"No problem" Luka gave Adrian a kiss back.

they continued skating for around another hour before deciding they were done.

"Wanna go get ice cream" Marinette asked while they turned in their skates.

"Yeah sounds fun" Luka said.

They headed towards Andre's. Adrian realized he had been going there a lot lately. They walked in a clump up to the stand.

"Ah, young love, so beautiful now who's with who" Andre asked but he thought he already knew the answer.

"Me 'n Luka are together" Adrian said which gave away who the other couple was.

They got their ice cream and sat down next to the water.

"This is nice" Luka sighed while eating ice cream.

"Yeah" Adrian said dreamily "I wish this moment could last forever. Adrian turned and kissed Luka on the cheek.

They were almost done with their ice cream when they heard a car park behind them.

"Adrian? What are you doing with that boy" they heard Gabriel Agreste.

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