Chapter 1 the end to the beginning

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Ah-Puch is seen watching over the four kingdoms. When suddenly they receive a message and not the fun kind.
"Oh no, this cannot be... Mictlan is defeated, but now he is free to..." she worries as the message continued. "He's still coming here and due to the bargain he made with Xibalba those who fell by Mictlan's hands will rise and possibly lord Mictlan himself but... What's that? Are you saying that Maya, Zatz, and Picchu will also return?" she gains a happier expression "so hope is not..." the messages then said.
"Yes I know that they need to make a decision but the boy is coming too and he won't be alone... we'll yes not by choice but the risk is..." The gaurdian sighs.
"I remember when he first came to me strong, serious what you'd expect from someone of his parentage but he was respectful and somewhat kind for a warrior of Mitclan," she reminsied looking out at the realms "I just hope that he chose a different path this time and finds himself"


The scene change to a courtyard in Brazil people gather around a big man on a horse dressed in soldier attire. "Good people of Brazil today we celebrate the end of the War and the beginning of a new era! And the return of our brave men and women who fought for the free world!" The crowd roared in cheers at this news the nightmare finally ending. "However while we are celebrating we also honor the fallen heroes that sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the world." Many people in the crowd had a moment of silence some cried about the loss of their loved ones.

"It will be hard and the scars will still sting but this victory proves that as long as there are those who fight for what is right there will always be hope! Viva el Mundo libre!" he cheered and with a final round of applause, the soldier then rode his horse off as the crowd cheered in excitement. As he and his group are heading to the training grounds one of his informants caught his attention.
"General Mondragón, he is not at his post," he panted. The big man grunts at this news. "Please, tell me he is not where I think he is when he knows he is expected to be HERE!?"
The solder only looked at him and with a heavy sigh, "I checked his quarters his tres was gone too,"
That did it. As the rest of the group of soldiers covered their ears as the captain bellowed.


At the town plaza, an elderly man in his 60s is moving a cart. As he stops in front of the fountain he starts to turn the crank on the box making music come out. The old man then started singing with the music.

(Insert one of a kind from Vivo) instead of Vivo, it's Ignácio. Followed by Javier and Mateó.)

"Hey, ladies and gentlemen The show is right this way,
Right this way
Hey, we have prepared for you a dazzling display
Right this way

So gather 'round my friends and here we go
Presenting the one and only Caballeros"

Out jumps three men in their 20s from the box playing music. On the right is Javier a man with dark brown hair and amber eyes, playing the drums, to the left Ignácio who is Javier's twin brother except his complexion is lighter and his brownish hair is almost red along with his eyes, playing a tres. the one in the middle is Mateó he has an olive skin tone and black hair playing the flute.

"Is this thing on?
Gather 'round, gather 'round, let's go"

"Okay, attendance is low, but this is just a hiccup"

"Once we begin our show, business is gonna pick up

We're two blocks from la casa, it's not a new scene

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