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Being made illegal by the people we swore to protect brought back many memories of the village and how no matter how hard we tried to help, someone always had to point out the flaws. But there was nothing we could do now, we were made illegal and any child born with powers had to be sent to a school to control their powers to fit in society.

We continued to finish our education Acacia got her doctorate, Angelina and Ignácio finished college, Zita got a business degree, and Blanca became a doctor. Chico is now a professor. As for me, I'm a Doctor in medicine and a scientist. But I am still studying magic with Esteban. When we learned about the schools we wanted to make sure they were legit and they were. There like other schools and they help a lot of kids super or not from bad living situations.

"At least some good came from us being illegal."

"Just wish some villains didn't get a free pass."

"Hey you know that not all of them can stay hidden forever."

"It just feels wrong to repress our powers their part of us."

"We were still hiding a part of us you know with the masks."

"Except it was our choice in order to protect our family and friends. At least we can use them in San Ángel publicly since everyone is used to them."
"yes, but if tourists came it would be a problem."
"Hey how about we just get away from this?"
"What are you talking about Chico?"
"Well you two were supposed to be on your honeymoon until that ingrate decided to sue you."

"That's true," said Mateó.

"So here's the plan Eduardo, Told me about this resort in San Fransokyo and they have all these places we could check out."

"Well, it does sound interesting?" Said, Angelina.

"What kind of name is San Fransokyo," said Ignácio.

"Apparently it's like San Francisco and Tokyo Japan combined," said Zita.

"Oh wait I heard about that place. In 1906 a part of San Fransisco that was majorly housed by Japanese immigrants was struck by an earthquake that caused unspeakable devastation. The events of the earthquake inspired the city to be reborn, using techniques that allowed movement and flexibility in a seismic event. After the city was finished being rebuilt, it was renamed San Fransokyo due to it being a city made greater than it was before from Japanese and American architecture combined," Explained Acacia.


"What do you think Angie?"

"Well this does seem to be a good time to start our honeymoon as any so why not," she said.

The next day after packing and flying a plane to get to their destination the couple made it to San Fransokyo.

They stopped at the resort which was beautiful and offered many activities. Also, the couples got their rooms. One day they decided to use the sky ram to get a bird's eye view of the city. Suddenly the tram stopped abruptly and the people in the other car were stuck. The group jumped into action without using their powers. However, one little boy was too scared so Blanca had to go get him once the passengers were safe. The cart started going again taking Blanca with it. Luckily Javier jumped on top to help her out. They both jumped into the rocky waters to avoid collision and Javier used his gift to keep them safe with no one noticing anything but he did break an arm.

After that whole debacle, the group decided to relax at the hotel pool and enjoy the spa. That was when Eduardo came with a worried expression on his face.

"Eduardo, what brings you here?"

"And why do you look like you have bad news?"

"I was sent by the green eyes."

The road to Maya and the three (Ghosts of the past)Where stories live. Discover now