The Journal

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Journal entry #
After meeting Acacia she told us about a legend of a teca princess and three warriors fighting dark gods. We also found out that the map to El Dorado was legit setting us on a journey to an ancient city. Learning new things about the making of El Dorado and each other. Turns out Chico Iglesias, Zita's boyfriend is the son of the current chief and chieftess of the city. Also, he, Acacia, and Zita are superheroes known as Machu Pichu, Acat, and Xtabay.  Just like me, Angie, Ignácio, and Mateó.

Mateó also found out that he is a reincarnation of a vengeful Demi-God who was the son of Lord Mictlan. His past life almost got us killed trying to get revenge. Before we found out about Mateó we meet a beautiful med student named Blanca, Chico's sister. I never meet anyone like her. She was smart, and compassionate, but also brave and cunning. She was also a superhero.

After she joined our journey we got to know each other. As we got closer and closer to the city and finally found it hidden beneath a covered waterfall. When the locals saw Chico and Blanca they were surprised. Turns out they ran away from home to explore the outside world. That family reunion was loud and intense.

When the high priest meet us he explained to us how a dark god will return to seek his vengeance through the influence of war.

While exploring the village I was greeted by a magic stick named Estefan who had been asleep for thousands of years. He once belonged to one of the greatest Brujo's in history who helped save the world. He kind of reminds me of Casita I wonder if they are connected.

Acacia was able to record and collect data to give to the museum without endangering the city. It's funny she and my brother Ignácio clashed heads a lot when they met but lately, it seems that they are getting better acquainted.

Dear Journal,
During Mateo's possession, he wiped out the whole troop that we were assigned to stop even the leader. He and Angelina have gotten close. They're finally a couple. Zita and Chico are finally engaged. As for Ignácio well let's just say he and Acacia's arguments get very heated. As for me well...

"Hey Javier were heading out let's go"

"All right Angelina I'm coming," I put my journal away and headed to the boat to San Lorenzo to find medicine for diseases.

March 15

The group consisted of Angelina, Mateo, Ignácio, Acacia, Javier, and Blanca following their guide Eduardo on a mountain path to the jungle.

"Hey look at that cloud it looks like a boat, a schooner I believe"

"Millions of miles into the jungle and he thinks about clouds, my friend you are a true romantic the ladies must be going crazy for you" joked Eduardo

"What? No, besides who would put up with my- WOAH!" JC missed a step and slid down getting hurt along the way.

"JAVIER!" Angelina shouted in worry.

"I got him, Angie," said Blanca as she gracefully came down to check on him. "Where does it hurt?"

"Only a few scratches, OW! And a broken rib" winced Javier.

"It's amazing how you always seem to manage to get injured when walking even though you can fly"

"Well I try not to use my powers in public unless it's an emergency"

"So this would count as a,"


She smiled at how nervous he was but also at how he doesn't abuse his powers. The rest of the group saw the interaction knowing this trip would help them become more.

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