Chapter 1

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"ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!" I felt my body lift from my sleeping position, sitting upright on my messy bed. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my face, my breathing heavier than ever.

"Noelle, sweety! Are you okay?" I lifted my head, only to see my mother rushing into my room, "Was it that dream again?"

Her eyes intently scanned my entire figure as she placed herself at the end of my bed, straightening the sprawled sheets that lay in front of her.

"N-No," I stuttered, using the back of my sleeve to wipe away the extra perspiration that fell from my forehead, "It was different. Completely different!"

*The Dream*

"No, no you cant do this to me!" I shouted, shielding my eyes with my shaking hands. I felt his presence only centimetres away from mine. He was so close, I could smell his minty breath. I took strides backwards, only to be met with a wall seconds later. I felt my back straighten, moulding into, as I presume, the brick wall. My limp body used all its force to keep as close to the wall as possible but it was no use.

His muscular hands caught grip of my waist, bringing my body closer to his larger frame. My hands left my eyes, only to be met with his hypnotic, green eyes. They were dark, filled with lust.

I watched as he leaned into the crook of my neck, his curls brushing against my cheek.

"I have you now." He whispered seductively into my ear, nibbling at the lobe. His head lowered as he left wet kisses on my neck. I felt a shiver rush down my spine as he found my sweet spot. But he didn't stop there. He lowered himself more until his head was at my breast level. With all his strength he tore my shirt off, leaving my torso exposed. His lustful, green eyes scanned over my chest before reaching around me. The silent click signalled that he unclasped my bra, the only thing that covered my biggest insecurity.

Seconds after, his lips pressed to my left nipple, sucking lightly as he carefully massaged the other. I felt a tear tumble down my cheek as he continued. I tried screaming but a strange force trapped in my throat stopped my cries. Instead, a small whimper could only escape. More tears streamed down my face, making my vision blurry. The mans curls tickled against my stomach as he lowered down further. I gazed down to where he was, only to see his curly head. I felt my jeans being pulled down, allowing a breeze to brush against my thighs. Once again, my gaze trailed down to his curly head, watching as he nudged his face between my thighs. Only then did I realise my hands were free.

I placed my palm on his forehead, pushing him away from my exposed body. Freedom at last! His body fell backwards, contacting the cement seconds after. I pulled my pants up, clasping my bra back on before bolting past his limp body. I only made it a few blocks away before I heard his pounding feet clambering after me. My legs moved as fast as possible in attempt to get away from this monster but it was no use. His body attached to my back, causing me to fall forward. A shattering scream fell from my lips as my body hit the ground. I could feel a pain in my chest as if I had just been stabbed in the chest.

He flipped me over, so his body hovered over mine. He leaned his head next to my ear again, his heavy breathing brushing just below it, "You're mine now."

I felt his knee dig into my stomach as he leaned in to kiss my neck. The pain jolted up and around my body causing me to scream in pain.


*End of Dream*

Just thinking about the dream sent shivers down my spine. I sensed a soft hand place itself on my knee, rubbing circles into it. My gaze followed up the arm, only to meet my mum's intent stare.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Her eyes not leaving mine for a second. I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. She grinned back, kissing me on the forehead before leaving my room. As soon as the door shut, I fell onto my back, glaring up at the ceiling. Who is this green-eyed man?


"Miss Brennan!!"

I lifted my head from its position, only to meet Mr Maverick's hard gaze, "Huh? Yeah?"

"That was your final warning! I would like to have a word with you after class!" He scolded. I sighed, listening to all the snickering from the class. I blinked a few times, adjusting my vision.

"Now," Mr Maverick continued, "Since you were to busy taking a nap Miss Brennan, I assume you already know the answer to this. So would you like to share the answer with everyone else?"

I sensed everyone's gaze on me now, waiting for my response. I opened my mouth to speak, but instead of words, an irritating ringing noise spilled out through the classroom. Thank goodness for that. I picked my books up from my desk, placing them in my bag.

"Miss Brennan! Where do you think you're going?" Mr Maverick grinned. I rolled my eyes heading towards his desk.

"Do you realise," He started, "That your grades are dropping dramatically because of these occasional naps? You better fix this sleeping habit or I'll have to talk to your parents about this."

I nodded, "Yes sir."

With that, I strutted out the classroom. I headed down the hallway to where my next class was held.


*Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring*

As soon as that last bell rang, I was out of the classroom before you could say cheese. I sprinted down the hallway, just as everyone else started making their way out. I pushed the front door open, the breeze rushing past me, causing my skirt to lift slightly. I stood there for a second, searching through the many cars. THERE! I quickly walked towards my mum's car, noticing that she was listening to her music.

I swing the car door open, stimulating my mum's head to turn, "Hey mum!"

"Hey sweety! How was your day?" She asked kindly.

"It was okay. Boring as usual though." My thoughts wondered off to the talk Mr Maverick gave me.

Mum sighed, "Well thank goodness its your last year here, then you go off into the real world."

As much as I wanted school to be over, I don't think I was ready for the real world, as my mum likes to put it. I mean, there will be no more homework, no more annoying teachers, no more bitchy girls, but ive adapted to all of this so it will be weird not having them around anymore.

I buckled my seatbelt on, just as mum turned the key, inducing the engine to roar into life. Mum put the car into gear, before making our way out of the car park. I leaned my head against the window, watching the trees pass by. As I became bored, my gaze turned to the road ahead. I noticed something ahead of us as mum turned the corner to our street. I squinted, trying to get a better look at this figure. It was definitely human, that's all I could say. As we drove closer, I noticed the curly hair and the...... green eyes. My breath hitched in my throat, my heart race picking up speed. I watched as his lips curled up into a playful smile.

"Mum? MUM!! STOP!!!" The car came to a quick halt, sending my head to jolt forward. The pain was intense, I could feel blood trickle down my face.

I lifted my head, turning to look at my mum. Her head was rested against the steering wheel, her back rising and falling at a quick pace. She finally gazed up at me, anger filling her face.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US!!!" As those words left her mouth, I could feel the tears prick into my eyes.

"H-he was there! In the middle of the road!" I explained. My mum shook her head. Did she think that I would be crazy enough to do something like that if I didn't have a valid reason?

I sensed the car start up again, slowly making our way to the house, without another word. As the car pulled up into the driveway, I noticed mum sat there like a statue, staring into space.

"M-Mum, I-"

"Just go Noelle." She scolded, not even gazing towards me. I sighed, acquiring out of the car. Was I the only one who saw him there? Did my imagination cause this problem?

I have to find out who he is, I need to know before I place myself or others in harms way....Again!


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