Chapter 5

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"TAKE ME HOME!! NOW!" I yelled, a single tear rolling down my face.

"Sorry love, but I cant!" He softly spoke, still concentrating on the road ahead.

I groaned loudly, my body stiffly sat against the leather seat of the car. Frustration got the better of me and I began to silently cry.

"Cant I just go see her one last time?" I asked, my voice sounding a bit hoarse. He stayed silent, not a noise escaped his mouth. The only sound that I could here was his breathing. I'll take that as a no then.

I sighed. Im not going to bother anymore.

As we made our way down the quiet streets, I could hear him softly humming. I tuned into the soft tone of his voice, causing me to relax. I'm not quite sure of what song it was, but it was nice. You could say it was soothing. I watched as the neighbourhood turned into forest, less houses and more natural environment. Every now and then I would see a small cottage hidden behind a few trees and bushes. It must be amazing to live out here. No neighbours to annoy the crap out of you, barely any cars that would wake you up in the middle of the night. Maybe I should ask mum to live out here when I get home? IF I ever go back home?

I noticed the car start to slow down, stopping just outside a rather large house.

"What are we doing here?" I curiously asked.

"Just need to grab something. Ill be about ten minutes." With that he stepped out of the car, heading towards the, what seemed to be, abandoned house.

This is my chance. I can escape. I could run down to the little houses down the road and ask them to call for help. I mean, technically he's kidnapping me so this IS an emergency. I hastily unclipped my seatbelt ,opening the car door and out into the open. I took one glance back at the house to see if he was coming. Nothing.

With that, I slammed the car door behind me and bolted down the dirt road. I didn't look back, only concentrating ahead. They say when you look back while running, it slows you down and there is no way in hell I want him to catch up. I cant take the risk. I glance around, searching for any sign of houses. Nothing.....yet.

Then I stopped, realising something that could have saved me hours ago. MY PHONE!!!!

I patted my pants pockets hoping it was in there. Nope. Jacket. Nothing. Maybe my bra? No way it cant b- GOT IT! I slipped it out, pressing the power button. As I waited for it to turn on, I ran and hid behind a bush not far from the road. My phone burst into life, making me fill with joy and hope.

I scrolled through contacts, tapping on my mums name. I waited impatiently as the phone started to call. Please work. Please Please Ple-

"No Reception." The machine spoke.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!" I threw my phone to the ground, only to pick it up again. I crouched down on the ground, quietly sobbing to myself. Why does this have to happen to me?

"Love?" I jumped. That voice. But how did he find me?

I looked up, my eyes meeting his.

"Why did you run away? And why are you crying?" He asked sweetly.

Who wouldn't cry if the guy that's been haunting your dreams for your entire life has kidnapped you and taken you away from your loved ones?

"C'mon, lets go." He ushered.

Being my stubborn self, I sat there, not moving a muscle. All I did was stare at the ground. A light breeze brushed against my skin, causing my body to shiver.

I noticed his hand stuck out, waiting for me to grab it. I sighed, again. What choice do i have? I cant make a run for it.....anymore adleast. I gripped onto his hand and he hoisted me up from the cold ground.

He wrapped his arm around my shaking body, keeping me warm from the cold air. As he lead me back to the car, he started to interrogate.

"So why did you run?"

I looked up at him, his gaze now locked on mine, "I was just so sca- reeee."

I stumbled forward. He tried to catch me but it was too late. I was now on my back, my heart racing and my head thumping. I sat up, rubbing the back of my head softly. The pain was quite intense but there was no blood, which was good. I winced when my hand grazed a lump on the back of my head.

"Love, are you okay?" I gazed up, his worried, green eyes scanning every inch of my body.

"Yeah, fine i guess."

I felt a hand grip under my leg and behind my back. Before i knew it, i was lifted from the ground. He walked steadily, not wanting to hurt me anymore.

We finally reached the car. He leaned his hand in opening the door and carefully placing me in the car. I went to reach for the seatbelt but he beat me to it. I glared at him but all he did was grin.

"Well it looks like you cant go anywhere now, can you?" A sly smile spread across his face.

"Never underestimate my strength," I laughed. He soon joined in, shaking his head.

He closed my door, making his way around to the drivers seat. I looked over at him again, that smile still plastered on his heart-shaped face. Not long after, the car roared into life and we were off again.

As the journey continued, i realised something, "You know, you never told me what your name is."

"Its Harry." He said, quickly glancing over at me, giving me a small smile.

Harry. Thats a nice name. I layed back into my seat, moving around to find a comfortable position. I felt a warm hand place itself on my thigh which made me stop.

I sat there frozen as the hand rubbed circles into my thigh, "Uhhh Harry?"

"Yeah love?"

"What are you doing?" I said awkwardly. He stopped rubbing circles into my thigh.

He chuckled lightly, "What does it look like? Adleast you stopped wriggling around."

This made me giggle. Maybe this wont be so bad?


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