Chapter 3

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" But ho-how did you- you don't even-what are y-?"

He rolled his eyes at my loss of words, "Alright I get it, you're confused! Don't hurt yourself!"

For what felt like hours, I stood there dumbfounded, lost in his emerald green eyes. I thought he was only my imagination? And even if he wasn't, how did he know my address? What is he doing here?

More and more questions piled into my mind as we stood there in silence, but one question stood out the most.

"Who are you?" those words just seemed to stumble out of my mouth without knowing it.

His lips curved up into a grin and his glowing, green eyes turned dark. He took a small step forward so I took a step back, not wanting him any closer to me.


"Noelle, sweety are you okay up there?" I heard the rapid footsteps of my mum rushing up the stairs.

The green eyed boy curse under his breath before making a quick escape out the window. I hastily walked towards the window peeping my head out of it, only to catch a small glimpse of him jogging down the street.

"Noelle? What's going on?" I spun my body around, meeting my mums intense and worried gaze.

"Oh a-um bird flew into my-uh window." I know i shouldnt lie to her but if she does finds out about this guy she'll freak out and call the S.W.A.T Team or something. It just shows how much she overreacts over these things.

She furrowed her eyebrows so i gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back before exitting the room. I let out a sigh of relief before flopping onto my chair. My mind started to fill with questions but i only wanted to know one thing and one thing only:

Who is he?


"Miss Brennan!"

"Wha-huh?" I lifted my head from the desk only to see Mr Maverick pinching the bridge of his nose.

"This is about the thousandth time I've had to wake you up during class. I am not your alarm clock. You have an upcoming test that....."

My mind started to drift off, ignoring Mr Maverick's hour long speech. It only makes me want to sleep more, honestly.

"Miss Brennan are you even listening?" My eyes gazed up to a very angry Mr Maverick.

"Uh-I-" I could here the small snickers from everybody else in the class.

"Right, Im going to have to call your parents." He said sternly.

"Uh, parent." I corrected him. I looked down at my hands, using all my strength to hold back the tears.

"Uhh right." He said in a sympathetic tone.

I could feel everything around me collapsing again. He just had to remind me..

At that moment, the bell went. I shoved all my equipment into my bag before scurrying out of the classroom, not wanting anyone to catch a glimpse of the tears that threatened to escape my eyes.

I rushed out of the school, eager to get home. I had to walk home for the rest of the year since mum wanted to 'avoid' the accident. I dont blame her though.

I started my journey down the road, towards the park with the little fountain. It was actually a nice day for a walk so im glad mum made this decision. As i approached the park, i heard a small chuckle come from behind me. I spun around to see who it was but nobody was there. Maybe its just my imagination....again! I shook it off turning back around. I heard another sly chuckle but this time it was closer. I didnt bother turning around, only picking up my speed. My fast walk turned into a jog and before i knew it, i was running through the park.

The laughter seemed to follow me every step of the way. As i was a mere 10ft away from the end of the park, the chuckles died down. I stopped running and turned around to see nothing but the trees swaying in the wind and a few birds chirping. I sighed, relieved that it was just my imagination this time.

"I thought i'd find you here!" His deep, husky voice echoed into my ear.

Oh crap!


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