Chapter 13: Tell Me Everything, Start From the Beginning

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Mia stood there, watching me as I sat on the steps leading up to the main platform of the bunker. I looked up at her. 

'Why'd you do it? Why'd you lie?' I asked. 

'You left without saying goodbye,' she replied. 'You said goodbye to everyone else, but not to me, Connor, Zoe or William.' 

'Was any of it true? That I didn't want to live anymore?' 

'You told us you'd become a danger. Then you attacked me when we were in the field, and I got to see it for myself. Mom told us you felt guilty for what you did, and that your past was catching up with you.' I looked down. 

'God, I'm such a bad person. I promised Oliver when he left that I'd look after the two of you, and I've done a lot less than that.' I ran my hand through my hair, and then looked back up at her. 'I'm a terrible aunt and an even worse sister.' 

'I deserved it. The yelling at, I mean. We all did. You guys welcomed us, and we lied to you.' 

'I see now why you didn't want to tell me. It's okay, Mia. It really is.' I stood and walked away, but turned around just as I was about t leave the building. 'I just - I need some time to process all this, okay? I love you and William, I really do.' 

'I love you too, Aunt Evelyn.' I smiled and turned my back again and walked away from her. 


Oliver walked into the main room of the bunker to see Mia testing out a flashlight and putting it away. 

'We should talk,' he remarked. She scoffed. 'What are you doing?' he asked upon noticing her state of preparation. 

'I'm heading to the hospital bomb site. Maybe Dinah missed something,' she replied. 

'Mia,' he said in a warning tone as she walked quickly away from him. 

'I'm not gonna stand around and waste time.' 

'Look, I know what's driving you right now. You lost a teammate. I - I've been there,' Oliver said. 'I - I can help. I'm here to help.' 

'You know, I survived my whole life without you,' she retorted. 'I don't need you to play dad now.' 

'Hey. I'm not playing dad. I am simply telling you that it is not tactically wise to go out there by yourself...' 

'Fine. I'll take Laurel,' she snapped, storming past him. 

' - when you are letting your decisions be driven by your emotions. Trust me, I've been there.' 

'You don't get a say. You gave up that right when you left me and Mom alone in that cabin. How could you just abandon us?" 

'Because I chose to keep you safe, and I chose right. 

'You just wanted to be a hero. So you put your mission above your family. Don't worry. You'll learn to live without me pretty easy just like I learned to live without you.' She tried to sidestep him on her way to the elevators, but he blocked her, clearing his throat. 

'I'm not letting you go out there,' he replied softly. 

'Nyssa al Ghul and your sister trained me,' she growled. 'You want to see how well?' 

'I'm not gonna fight you. I'm your father.' 

'Really? Because from where I stand, you're just some guy in my way.' Oliver kept his face a mask of stone. 

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